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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2008-09-15 17:05:00

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Mass Primaries
Заўтра ў нашым штаце прамерыз. Шмат дзе ўся палітыка вырашаецца менавіта там, бо на лістападзкіх выбарах перамагае дэмакрат, таму некаторым магчыма мае сэнс схадзіць і прагаласаваць.
Вось тут: http://www.imagineelection.com/ можна ўвесьці адрас і ўбачыць, хто будзе на бюлетэне й пачытаць біяграфіі кандыдатаў. Самае сьмешнае: On September 8, 2008, John Buonomo resigned from his position as the Register of the Middlesex Family and Probate Court. He was caught stealing thousands of dollars from the copying machines at the court. There is a posted youtube video with footage from the security cameras that caught him in the act. І калі досыць людзей ня ўпіша ймёны другіх кандыдатаў, ён можа стаць афіцыйным кандыдатам!

Mass has primaries tomorrow. In a lot of places all real political decisions are made there, because November elections are won by whoever happens to be Democratic candidate; so if you are in one of these places, it might make sense to go and vote. Here: http://www.imagineelection.com/ you can put in your address (put your neighbor's address if you are concerned about privacy) and see who is going to be on the bulletin and read the candidates' biographies. Here's the funniest one: On September 8, 2008, John Buonomo resigned from his position as the Register of the Middlesex Family and Probate Court. He was caught stealing thousands of dollars from the copying machines at the court. There is a posted youtube video with footage from the security cameras that caught him in the act.
Unless enough people write in other candidate's name, this crook will be an official Dem candidate.

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