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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2009-10-09 15:31:00

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Музыка:Ljova and the Kontraband - Mnemosyne

Car rental rates
Што ў нас робіцца з коштамі на рэнт машын? Раней звычайна гэта каштавала $30-$40/дзень, а Энтэрпрайз увесь час меў канцатыднявыя зьніжкі, бывала й па дзесятцы ў суткі. Зараз усе сайты кшталту каяка паказваюць кошты ад $90, самае таннае, што я знайшоў - юсэіў (usave) за $77. За тыя-ж грошы можна ўзяць Zipcar, у які ўваходзяць паліва й страхоўка, дык што-ж гэта робіцца? Я разумею, даляр падае, золата даражэе й усе мы памром, але чаму раптам рэнт машын удвая даражэйшы за пару месяцаў таму? Гэта чыста бостанская зьява ці паўсюль так?

What's going on with car rental rates? Before, the going rate was $30-$40/day, Enterprise used to run weekend specials as low as $10/day. Now all the shopping comparison sites like kayak are showing rates starting at $90, the cheapest I can find is usave at $77. For the same money I can take a zipcar with gas and insurance included, so what's going on? I do understand the dollar is falling, gold is rising and we are doomed, but why do car rentals suddenly become twice as expensive as they were only a couple months ago? Is it a local Boston phenomenon or is it happening everywhere?

(Добавить комментарий)

2009-10-10 00:22 (ссылка)
в Манчестере Budget вроде ничего, но вообще да, чудеса. Я посмотрел Бостон, Денвер и родную Филю, как-то много и непонятно, почему. М.б., не могут продать попользованные машины, или прекратилась халява с новыми? Они же получали новые машины с дикими скидками, это был способ улучшить статистику продаж Ford'a, GM, etc.


2009-10-10 00:31 (ссылка)
Нам как раз нужна будет машина на 2-3 дня...


2009-10-10 01:19 (ссылка)
There a name for this. The name is inflation.

It is somewhat hidden here - what you have is non-essential prices shooting up and various surcharges popping up all over the place. A creeping inflation as opposed to the in-your-face variety.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-10-10 01:21 (ссылка)
We didn't have 100% inflation in the last 2 months.

I don't understand this at all, Zipcar used to be way more expensive then regular rentals (when renting for a whole day), now it's the same or cheaper

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-10-14 01:43 (ссылка)
You shouldn't operate under the assumption that inflation has to be uniform across the board because more often than not it isn't. And it certainly is not at this point in this country.

I'd say that over 2006-2008 the real inflation was at about 10%/year. It may have tapered off lately - but I don't expect this lull to be long lasting.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2009-10-10 04:21 (ссылка)
Try www.holidayautos.com
Looks like $55/day


2009-10-14 16:27 (ссылка)
Time to buy a car :)
