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@ 2021-02-04 13:03:00

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IAB Europe Survey Reveals Disconnect Between Importance of Post-Cookie Era Solutions and Business Readiness

IAB Europe, the leading European-level industry association for the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem, has today released its comprehensively updated ‘Guide to the Post-Third-Party Cookie Era’, to prepare brands, agencies, publishers and tech intermediaries for the much-anticipated post-third-party cookie advertising ecosystem.
To understand how involved stakeholders were with the different initiatives and how prepared they are for the new era, IAB Europe ran an industry poll in Q4 2020. Respondents were asked what new opportunities and challenges they foresaw, and how prepared they are [...]

The post IAB Europe Survey Reveals Disconnect Between Importance of Post-Cookie Era Solutions and Business Readiness appeared first on ExchangeWire.com.

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