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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2009-12-01 21:19:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Swandive - Intuition
Entry tags:kuklachev

Allegations against the Catsan's spokesperson Yuri Kuklachev
Кстати, Захар Борисович дело посоветовал,
написать кляузу в Mars Inc., который
платит Куклачеву за рекламные выступления.

Кляуза вот

To: contact.uk@masterfoods.com
Subject: Allegations against the Catsan's spokesperson Yuri Kuklachev

To: Mars Inc. Public Relation department.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you regarding a serie of frivolous
lawsuits initiated by Catsan's spokesperson in Russia,
an animal circus clown called Yury Kuklachev.

Mr. Kuklachev joined a Russian government program
for "cleaning up the Internet", which already
claimed several victims (including Irek Murtazin,
a former spokesperson of Tatarstan President, who
became a political prisoner because of his blogging;
please see his case in Wikipedia,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irek_Murtazin ).

Now Mr. Kuklachev praises the efforts of Moscow's
corrupt mayor Yuri Luzhkov to persecute his
political opponents in the blogosphere.
Kuklachev started his own personal crusade
of persecution. Using his ties to Luzhkov
(Mr. Kuklachev received from Luzhkov a 500 sq.
m. building in the center of Moscow) as
a leverage, Kuklachev decided to persecute
at least 10 bloggers, who had a misfortune
to insinuate in their blogs that he tortures
the animals (it is said that his cruelty to
animals is an open secret in the blogosphere).

Please check the Kuklachev's interview
in a top newspaper, GZT.ru

A translation.
"What else one should do to the scoundrels?
Russian scoundrels do not understand that
they should behave very modestly. They are dirt and all.
This should be the only way to punish. Yuri Mikhailovich
[Luzhkov, Moscow Mayor] is doing right against Zhirinovsky
and Nemtsov [the mayor has filed claims for defamation
against these politicians, and Boris Nemtsov has already
lost his case]. It's not about money, it's a matter of
principle. When this moron is being dangled, he would
think better than to write, - informed Kuklachev GZT.RU."

This interview contains many other statements,
some of which are clearly libellous, and other
are hate speech.

I don't think you should be concerned about
his libel, because Russian courts of law
are notoriously corrupt. There is no chance
of getting a libel case through unless
one has ties to some top official.

The animal circuses like Kuklachev's are banned
in most European countries, and frowned upon in
the rest. I don't think that Kuklachev's frivolous
lawsuits reflect well on Mars Inc.'s brand message.

I am questioning the stance of Mars Inc.
(an owner of the Catsan brand) whose spokesman
joins the corrupt Moscow Mayor in his witch-hunt
for political dissidents. I don't see how this
choice agrees which Mars Inc. company slogan,
"We need freedom to shape our future". It looks
like Mars Inc. is bringing to Russia not freedom,
but torture, cruelty and political persecution.

Please acknowledge this letter.

Awaiting your response,
Misha Verbitsky,

Может, получится присунуть это в западные газеты
или к блоггерам антикорпоративной ориентации?
У кого есть связи, помогите, пожалуйста.

Также поделитесь, если есть какие-нибудь контакты
в Mars Inc. или Masterfoods, чтобы им сию кляузу
тоже запихать. Я нашел ровно один емэйл.


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2009-12-03 12:14 (ссылка)
Извините, в вашем письме, кажется, опечатка. На gzt.ru написано "они НЕСУТ грязь", а у вас "they ARE dirt", т.е. "они — грязь".


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