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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2010-08-11 16:51:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Crystal Castles
Entry tags:ljr, stukachi

``милиция разберется''
Сегодня чуть не обоссался со страха,
пришел в институт по дороге на семинар,
пытался посмотреть почту, а сервер помре.
Выяснить, в чем дело, не успел и пошел на лекцию,
сидел полтора часа, дико трясясь. Воображал
типа, как неверные менты ворвались ко мне в
квартиру в Москве и избивают Юлю и детей.

Оказалось, что в Ринете меняли проводку и
отключали электричество, в связи с чем сервер
полдня лежал (LJR от таких поломок страдает минимально,
просто весь траффик роутится через американский прокси).

Ебаный Мемориал сделает меня невротиком,
буду от любого чиха прятаться под стол.

Первый раз за 5 лет у меня появилось
желание вырубить LJR нахер, стыдно сказать.
Потому что толпы сумасшедших пишут
во все инстанции, пытаясь закрыть
сервер, и открытые репрессии, думаю,
неизбежны, не завтра, так послезавтра.
Причем в случае репрессий широкие массы
блоггеров (как правозащитной ориентации, так и
противоположной) будут активно поддерживать
ментов, это понятно же. Ну типа, ``фашистская
пропаганда недопустима'', ``за свои слова надо
отвечать'', ``милиция разберется''.

``С правоохранительными органами надо уметь работать. И
тогда они тоже умеют неплохо работать''.
Кредо Мемориала,
практически. Вместе с заведомо ложными доносами.

Надо, конечно, ехать, это понятно же.
То есть и ежику ясно, что так нельзя больше.


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2010-08-12 04:05 (ссылка)
Это скорее всего, но английский у ней из МГИМО либо лумумбария

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2010-08-12 04:17 (ссылка)
Тут еще, кстати, такой аспект есть: если бы в теории я иницировал судебный процесс против некоего сервера, то я не стал бы раскрывать карты, чтобы оппонент не смог уничтожить улики.

А Маргарет сообщает в открытую, что запустила процесс по педофилии против Вербицкого и Прибыловского. И я совершенно не понимаю почему.

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2010-08-12 04:18 (ссылка)
Потому что отлично знает, что никакой педофилии тут нет, и никогда не было

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2010-08-12 04:26 (ссылка)
Это ежу понятно, что она знает, что ее донос ложный. Понятно, что никакой педофилии нет. Но что-нибудь-то всегда есть, особенно применительно к российским законам. Что-нибудь, к чему при желании можно доебаться, найдется на ЛЮБОМ большом сайте. А если раскрыть карты, часть компромата неизбежно будет удалена.

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2010-08-12 04:31 (ссылка)
а подобного "компромата" можно в каждом бложике найти ведь
в каждом

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2010-08-12 11:52 (ссылка)
Значит берет на понт

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Ейный троллинг, тоже в мгимо научили?
2010-08-12 06:38 (ссылка)
This is quite quite true:)) Men and women of each nation are birds of a feather:)) yet there is, as usual, partial responsibility of men for this - in the situation of complete impossibility for women to make a career, widespread harassment, humiliation, swinish attitudes, women are simply not given a chance to become independent. You Russians are SO afraid of the imaginary evil of feminism and emancipation - well, what did you expect then? Here are your non-emanciated women:)) it is , in fact, worse in Asia and Islamiccountries.

No, no , dear, do not prevaricate, poor coward, all in good time. )) you were screaming hell here about meeting me, saying something to my face, we will do THAT first and I will show you all my credentials in front of the camera. And my office phone number is just the same as for anyone there:225-31-18 Believe me, all journalists get through to me perfectly.
poor thing, you are apparently shitting yourself over just to find your way back out of the tangle? no fear there, I will do what we generall y do with Russians : just let you go with a tiny kick in your arse and a WHOLE bucket of shame)))

Dearest, are you barking again out there?))
I have sent you a PM and a phone No and you are shaking under the table to dial it, poor creature ))) how wonderfully reminiscent of your "Russian heroes" in Chechnya)))
Believe me, I've no need for any racist remarks, I simply repost your outflow as an example of Russian mass culture and then it features in the record of intmidation attempts.
Can you imagine the impact it makes amidst the general hysteria after the attacks on Estemirova and the ilk?))
Do not shake that badly, you are just an average Russian coward, who is singularly able to squeak and exceptionally petrified of facing the music.

Now he is talking!! Now I(!) have to track HIM down.. and just some 5 minutes he was ready to come in person and intimidate me!!))).. oh, pobrecito,,, what dreadful sameness in the grandsons of cowardly bastards, who passed on the habit of hiding behind theit mums' skirts..

I told you to send me a PM, I will give youthe phone number and we will arrange that, for the time being I will simply store this dirt and threats and consider them sufficient evidence of intimidation and harassment, that will do perfectly for a libel case. I am not hiding and it is high time the human rights groups here stopped doing so. I will apparently be the first to break it, as usual.

Now, I guess there it is. All adversities that could possibly happen to prevent me from going away this year HAVE actually happened. All in a row over the past fortnight. Someone up there seems to be dead set on doing me in by not giving me a break. That's as much as my aunt had gathered speaking to me on the phone yesterday.
And she is herself planning on taking off for Africa, for work. MYYY!! Why should a person suffering from any degree of sanity want to leave England during the festive season and go down to... ugh... Southern Sudan. Something I would put past any sensible creature.
Yet, had it not been for the king of idiots among Chechens, a standard of worldly idiocy from the Paris Bureau of Standards having broken my tiny fragile heart..... and an entire ethnic criminal gang from Dagestan fleeing from me at a restaurant.... Should I have attempted something like dramatic drowning of this mortal body as a protest against the denial of that simple simple happiness a-la the Caucasus Highlands, that the high authorities owe me?! I had got as far as drowning my cellphone anyways.
Well. amidst the gloom and doom of the abhorrent season which none of the Lord's creation endowed with dignity should EVER spend in the Sodomic hole of Russia (and Shandybin seems to have been a clever lad to have handed in his chips - PERFECT TIMING!!!)
THANK GOD there are the Ingush.!!!.. hot..hot..hot.. ))) They are not much use to Shandybin and Co perhaps but they are a piece of goods for me ))) unless... unless... I AGAIN manage to fall foul of the law while obeying the primeval calling of Mummy Nature in a fit of passion))):D that should not be put past me either)))
Counting days to find myself beside the Ingush wolf in a week's time and in the midst of blessings of Finnish winter by the end of January...

This is not a picture of me, 'Father'. This is an American expert associated with AI (I think, this is clearly written underneath, is it not?) A question I am beginning to ask myself is whence that peculiar interest of a priest in my looks may come from...
I am talking about a whole range of persons and the movement and trend of Russian 'human rights' defenders as such.
Ponomarev indeed behaved in a most swinish way with regard to these cases. There is an indirect mention of him in the article by one of the mothers, as far as I remember. As for Alexeyeva, I do not even take her into account, she may be fossilised and unhelpful, but if anyone chooses to revere her for any past achievements, this is really their business, not mine. I would not see it fit to demand any drastic action from a 80-odd -year-old. Nothing bad to be said about Babushkin but I barely know him. The impression I had so far was nearing somewhat positive. Still, with the exception of the latter, I doubt many people in Russia would be able to testify of any tangible help received from them.

TO answer your question straight away: No, I am NOT a compatriot of yours.
And I am quite aware of who you are, even not having heard any of your programmes.
I would not base my impression of my Russian (however perfect it may be) on comments in LJ, if I were you, since it has long been hacked and only the thread-opening posts can so far be guaranteed to be truly mine. A lot of filth that comes in comments is written by every manner of my 'fans' - I would simply have no time to reply to them in cyberspace.

As far as 'terms and definitions' are concerned, I am surprised that you seem to be unfamiliar with the 'media laws'. You surely do not suppose that what that newspaper published are, in fact, my very words and not their own interpretation of what they heard from me?? My point was solely that protection of the right to life, health, dignity, respect, family, and other, let us say, 'God-given rights' are far ahead in terms of priority and far closer to actual human rights issues than any political games and community-invented ideology. I am indeed very negative about Russia's 'human-rights' activitists scene, yet my choice is to work the way I see as right myself, instead of spending time bashing 'dissidents', whether online or live.
The rest is how the journalist decides to present it. The word "гитлеровцы" is clearly not mine either. This is one of the perils of dealing with the media: one has to constantly bear in mind that one's words will be mis-/under-/overrepresented and used by each and everyone for their own advantage. That's the cost of speaking up, I guess.
With blessings, RMS.

Your English sucks a wee bit but....
Let's keep tabs on it: you are DEFINITELY not pretending, you are a true Russian tart, aren't you?:)) The kind who bring to me their "poor" daughters allegedly raped in Chechnya by the "evil" Chechens (although we all know Russian women sell themselves for a penny, don't we?:))) and I love spitting in the face of those aggrieved mothers:)) they have had the luck to learn what Russian whores are born for:)))

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Re: Ейный троллинг, тоже в мгимо научили?
2010-08-12 06:48 (ссылка)
Английский у ней хилый, а вот где источник этой прекрасной копипасты?

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Re: Ейный троллинг, тоже в мгимо научили?
2010-08-12 08:05 (ссылка)
яндекс блоги, а что же еще; вводится слово "and", юзер употребляющий слово, нажать на поиск, все там.

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Re: Ейный троллинг, тоже в мгимо научили?
2010-08-12 08:15 (ссылка)
Спасибо, ага

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2010-08-12 07:16 (ссылка)
Я бы скорее предположил вывоз родителями в Англию в возрасте лет 13-14

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2010-08-12 13:57 (ссылка)
По азилу, гы.

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