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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2012-11-28 01:25:00

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2012-09-02 02:37 (ссылка)

I'm a stranger in town and my guns never cold
I'm a gambler so bet on your life
You'll never live to grow old
I deal in lead I won't step aside
Where trouble's waitin well so am I
I live for the fight the thrill of the kill
Paid in gold for the blood I spill

Outlaw outlaw outlaw ride
Into the West a gun by your side
Hell and glory honor and pride
A gun will decide where the outlaws ride

The law of the West was the law of the gun
Shoot and be fast live on the run
Stay alive be fast on the draw
Live by the gun or die by the law


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