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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2013-08-09 12:53:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Marillion - The Last Fish Milwaukee 1987
Entry tags:anti-russia, fascism, gomoseki, putin

Gay Teenager Kidnapped And Tortured
Тесак пришел к успеху
статья про "оккупай геронтофиляй" на цивилизованном языке.

Gay Teenager Kidnapped And Tortured By Russian Neo Nazi
Group Is Believed To Have Died From His Injuries (Video)

In the official correspondence from the local District
Attorney office and Governor's office it was explained
that Russian authorities do not see any wrongdoings in the
video clips or photographs posted by Neo Nazi group
"Occupy Pedofilyaj." Actually, the authorities referred to
this group as one of the "civil movements fighting the
sins of the society." Dr. Degtyarev diligently collects
every piece of evidence and correspondence and records all
phone conversation with direct threats to him and his
mother. Yet, no actions from authorities have resulted so
far. Dr. Degtyarev is routinely approached and offended on
the street, receives numerous threats via mail, phone, SMS
and email.

It must be noted that these organzied Neo Nazi gangs
continue to operate within Russia in broad day light and
also continue to share videos and pictures online of what
they call 'safaris' (hunting down gay victims for

По-моему, замечательно
чем быстрее цивилизованные поймут, что
рашка есть заповедник фашистских животных
под руководством гитлер-гитлер-гитлера,
тем скорее она закончится.
