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Пишет twenty ([info]twenty)
только при чем тут гмо, борьба с аллергией -- это самоподдерживающаяся штука, чем больше с ней борешься, тем ее больше. в ссср не так сильно боролись просто.

арахис, например --
"We demonstrate that Jewish children in the UK have a prevalence of PA that is 10-fold higher than that of Jewish children in Israel. This difference is not accounted for by differences in atopy, social class, genetic background, or peanut allergenicity. Israeli infants consume peanut in high quantities in the first year of life, whereas UK infants avoid peanuts. These findings raise the question of whether early introduction of peanut during infancy, rather than avoidance, will prevent the development of PA."

"These data prompt us to ask whether it may be possible that introducing highly allergenic proteins (such as peanut) early in life would tolerize (as opposed to sensitize) a child to that particular antigen? Rat and murine models have shown that high dose oral ovalbumin[30, 31] or peanut[31] can lead to immune tolerance. It could be inferred that the current practice of attempting to avoid highly allergenic foods in an attempt to decrease antigen sensitization has, in fact, done the opposite, and it may have contributed to the increased prevalence of food allergy in North America. Complete avoidance of certain food antigens is nearly impossible, as children are almost certainly exposed to minute quantities of peanut antigen in our North American environment.[32, 33, 34, 35, 36] In fact, low-dose, intermittent exposure may be the trigger for developing IgE-mediated food allergies."

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