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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:01:00

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2016-01-14 15:50 (ссылка)

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2016-01-14 19:19 (ссылка)
Good morning everyone, my name is Pastor Dr Martin Ssempa.
I’m here in the capacity as the chairman of the National Task Force Against Homosexuality in Uganda. We are making legislation to make sure that sodomy and homosexuality never see the light of legality in this land of Africa.

I’ve taken time to do a little research to know what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedrooms.

One of the things they do is called anal licking, where a man’s anus is a licked like this, by the other person, like ice cream. And then what happens is the poo poo comes out, and then they eat the poo poo.

The other thing they do, is they have a sex practice called fisting, where they insert their hand into the other man’s anus all the way, and it is so painful they have to take drugs, but they enjoy it. Now, if we have any children please step out – this is a parental guidance moment.

So I’ve done research. This is what they do. Number 1 –you can see a man here, having sucked the other person’s rectum, and the other person is poo-pooing, and then he is eating the poo poo all over the place.

Tell me, when you have a law against homosexuality, do you accept eating da poo poo?

We do not want this sickness. This is sick, and it’s therefore deviant. We do not want it.

They start off by touching each other's genitals and smelling each other.

Then this one smears the poo poo all over the other person's face. As if that is not enough, he puts the hand in deeper.

As Africans, we want to ask Barack Obama to explain to us, is this what he wants to bring to Africa as a human right? To eat da poo poo of our children? We doont wanteet. Africa do not want this sickness.

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2016-01-15 09:29 (ссылка)

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