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Пишет D. Kaledin ([info]kaledin)
>People in the former Eastern block wanted to be a part of the Western consumerist Utopia

This was twenty years ago.

Already for Romanians and Bulgarians, an important attraction of the EU was fighting corruption. It's no wonder that Greeks want out -- they are quite happy being corrupt. And it's no wonder Iceland is happy outside -- they don't need help.

Bosnia is an artificial entity, it would be much better to split it. As it is, it cannot work (and it doesn't) -- while each part separately separately seems ok. My guess is, it will be allowed to split eventually, as soon as it is safe to do it. But I'm not an expert at all.

>EU can help the struggling Eastern European states

Obviously it can -- by imposing, how do they call it now, "structural reforms"? "good governance"? something like that.

The question is, does it feel any obligation to do it. My feeling is that yes, to some extent, provided it all happens within some naturally defined Europe. There is no way Turkey gets in. Ukraine might.

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