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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-08-14 10:54:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Pink Floyd - Mauerspechte
Entry tags:.uk, feminism, left

мракобесие и социальный консерватизм
По ссылке от [info]array, хорошее
про "левых", которые в 2010-е заняли место "правых" и
заняты традиционной для "правых" борьбой за моральные
ценности и цензуру.

Это, кстати, и неудивительно: вот, например, в Глазго
любой стриптиз, лап-дансинг и все такое запрещено, а
голосуют жители исключительно за лейбор. Потому что
"рабочие", а "рабочие" - класс целиком консервативный,
и катастрофически теряющий значение, потому что рабочих
вытесняют роботы. Таковы же рабочие и крестьяне и по всему
миру: граждане с сугубо реакционными и мракобесными взглядами,
мечтающие остановить технический и социальный прогресс,
требующие цензуры и клерикализма. В той же Англии
лейбористы и газета Guardian -- основные активисты
цензуры, борьбы с техническим прогрессом и за традиционные
ценности, потому что традиционная социальная база
лейбора - рабочие кварталы, заселенные пенсионерами,
топящими за мракобесие и социальный консерватизм.

...In place of attacking the "permissive society", or

lamenting the decline in family values, these activists
were armed with feminist battle-cries, and were more
likely to be seen reading the liberal Guardian than the
right-wing Daily Mail.

A new social conservatism had been born for the new
millennium, and this time it was rooted in the political
left, rather than the right.

Object, a "feminist human rights" organisation, was a
protagonist in the anti-striptease campaign, which they
named Stripping The Illusion. Strippers were bemused to
find themselves labelled, in the words of one, "as being
victims, and on the other hand, evil women who were the
cause of rape and abuse."

Object, and similar feminist organisations such as UK
Feminista, rolled out a series of anti-sex campaigns, of
which Stripping the Illusion was but the first. Each cause
was loyally supported by the Guardian, by voices from the
Labour and Green parties, by trade unionists, and others
that I had previously considered part of my progressive

From strip clubs, they turned their attention to attacking
online pornography, tried to persuade supermarkets to stop
selling lads' mags, and then campaigned for the censorship
of "sexualised" music videos, before turning their
attention to the pressing goal of removing breasts from
Page 3 of The Sun.

Likewise, the old anti-prostitution movement was
reinvigorated by a flood of new, feminist and left-wing
campaigners under the End Demand banner. The old,
censorious attitudes of the religious right had been
adopted, intact, by the new left.

The anti-sex movement was just the start. The new left's
war on free expression has expanded to attack non-sexual
expression too, on the basis that it might be hateful,
'triggering', or even merely offensive.


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2016-08-15 19:59 (ссылка)
райх ебанат, судя по его оргонным прогонам
типа дика там, я не знаю

ну и хуле, 3-м рейхом тоже ебанаты рулили

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