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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-01-20 19:47:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Ice Ages - Strike the Ground
Entry tags:.ph, fascism, hitler, narkomany, putin

Hitler-like but for the good
Выступление филиппинского президента Дутерте,
который заявляет, что хочет, уподобившись Гитлеру,
убить 3 миллиона наркоманов. Читает по бумажке, но уже
не в состоянии прочесть, что там написано, и импровизирует.
Видимо, под какими-то субстанциями, потому что дикция
как у Брежнева, а мысли прыгают с пятницы на
среду и обратно.


And I was investigated during my mayorship days

already. And there is the result. Ano gusto mo,
[inaudible]? And all these years, not a single case was
filed against me. It's all talk until now.

Now, question is... quoted by the EU, by this, I said the
pea-brained lawyers there. That this official, this, even
when he was mayor, he was threatening to kill the
criminals. What an idiot. Group of idiots in the purest

You know, when you want to charge me. You have to find out
if the penal laws of this land would make a mayor liable
if he threatens the criminals or intimidate the

You can read the penal codes, criminal laws of this land,
you'll find nothing. And to say that this mayor has been
threatening to kill criminals... anong-Kaya kung ikaw
nandito. Bakit hindi ka magmumura?

You're portrayed or pictured to be some... a cousin of
Hitler. And you do not even bother to find out, to
investigate... Imagine that, I will be fishing and even
the international court for genocide. Hindi ba naman
kabalbagan ang mga-

Ikaw... Presidente ka tapos ganonin ka. It was of course all
right when I was mayor. Because then, that would be about
just a miniscule of the affairs of the humanity in this
planet. But when I am the President and [inaudible] you
know bitter and stupid. You put all the Filipinos,
especially outside, you put them to shame.

Okay lang sa akin. Sanay ako sa politika eh. Eh lahat ng
kababuyan, dumating na sa aking buhay. Pero itong mga
ganito... Ako, look. Kayong US, EU. You can call me
anything. But I was never into or I am never into
hypocrisy like you.

Close your doors, it's wintertime. There are migrants
escaping from the Middle East. You allow them to rot and
then you're worried about the death of about 1,000, 2,000,

Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now there is three
million, there's a three million drug addict. There
are. I'd be happy to slaughter them. At least if Germany
had Hitler, the Philippines would have you know, my
victims, I would like to be, all criminals to finish the
problem of my country and save the next generation from

Salamat po.

* * *

Самая смешная вещь тут не в угрозах убить 3 миллиона
человек со ссылками на Гитлера, а в том, что гражданин
это делает совершенно неискренне. На Филиппинах говномассы
требуют "сталина, сталина" Фердинанда Маркоса, и
Дутерте приходится соответствовать образцу. Сам по себе
он человек относительно вменяемый, хипстер, и тяжелый
опиатный наркоман
со стажем в 20 лет ко всему прочему.

Вот характерное

Но тут как в России с путлером: рублевские сами наверное
и не хотели затыкать рот интеллигенции, раскручивать
репрессии и гонку вооружений, устраивать акты
международной агрессии и терроризма, и восстанавливать
ГУЛАГ, а приходится, потому что иной власти эта страна
не знает и не признает.

Сами филиппинцы этим скорее горды. Вот смешное видео
с выступлением Мисс Филиппины Имелды Швейтгарт в Австрии.

-- 'Is Hitler from Austria?'

-- 'That's a bad question because we normally don't really
talk about Hitler. But yes, he is.'

-- (delighted) 'Oh my God, our president is doing Hitler stuff here in
the Philippines.'

Масс-медиа прочли заявление Мисс Филиппины
как критику президента, и ей пришлось долго
оправдываться. Не за Гитлера, что характерно,
а за подозрение в критической мысли.

Guys, I'm a Duterte follower. The people who talk to me

everyday knows how delightful I am to see and experience
the change he has made happen so far. I got that idea
wherein i said, 'Duterte is doing Hitler stuff' from
online news, newspapers with headlines saying he is
Hitler-like but for the good.
