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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-02-05 23:23:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Shylmagoghnar - Emergence
Entry tags:.fr, pedo

Emmanuel Macron
Следующий (дайбох) президент Франции женился
на своей школьной учительнице, с которой встретился в
15 лет, имел с ней роман, и до сих пор
на ней женат; нянчит шесть штук внуков
жены от первого брака и очень счастлив.

А в Штатах, между тем, за такие эксцессы
сажают в тюрьму на 30 лет. Потому что духовные
скрепы очень скрепные, и ебать кого-то младше
18 это уголовное преступление.


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2017-02-06 22:55 (ссылка)
а BHL это лицо сей мафии, конечно, типа Outer Head of the Temple

Since the Catholic Roman Latin Church spreaded widely all over the Occidental European countries during the centuries, USA included, and had had so great influence all over the world in all domains (morality, economy, education, medical aid etc…), the Jews jealous of its power wanted to eradicate it and gain dominion on it.

The way used by the Jews for this purpose has been the replacing of the Catholic Roman members of the Vatican Cury (Cardinals, Bishops, priests, nuns, monks etc…) by their own agents (converts to Christianty but acquainted secretly with Masonry ) with the view to rise and to get to the highest point of the Vatican hierarchy.

That is to say, to sit down on the Chair of the Catholic Roman Pope.

We can say today that they succeeded widely because the majority of the Roman Catholics fidels did not oppose much resistance in the past to the Revolutioners since the French Revolution of 1789, except especially the Bretons and the Vendéens who showed clear opposition and were martyred by the revolutioners.

Most of the clergy of that time had been obliged to promise allegiance to the Republic to avoid physical genocid of the Roman Catholic fidels, and those who followed them continued to bend their neck until now.

Today, Stalin being dead and communism crushed in Russia, as the Russian people are returning to the Orthodox faith of their fathers, churches being constructed again, catechism supplied, number of baptised increasing, showing love for their country and traditions, the Jews want to take this off, too, under the alibi of “Democracy for the oppressed Urkrainian people”!

I do not understand: the Jews wanted a country to live in peace (the land of Israel) they got it, but most of them (the rich elites) live outside that country.

They say they want peace but they do not seek peace with their neighbours, nor they let other people to live in peace pushing the European nations to send soldiers to war under the alibi of “democracy”, “fight against terrorism” etc…!

Examples :

Why Bernard-Henry Levy (BHL) jumped in Ukraine on Maidan barricades in solidarity with the “oppressed Ukrainian” for the sake of democracy, but did not jump even once on Gaza barricades to protest against phosphorus bombs lanced on Palestinian civilians and children?

Why also he did not jump on barricades in solidarity to the oppressed Christians who are now being genocided in Syria?

As he feels himself “profondément Juif” (he said that in an interview) why he does not emigrate for ever to Israel where he could feel more Jewish than he feels today and make peace with the Palestinians?

What a US Cohen (John Kerry = Cohen) has to do with Ukraine, when the “Promised Land” Israel is at hand and peace could be reached with his neighbours?

Why USA sends troops to Poland? To wage another war? The destruction of Irak did not suffice to them? They have not enough lost people in wars? Why USA do not repatriate their armies from Deutschland since WWII ended?

I have nothing against BHL or John Kerry personally, I mentionned them because both of them, as public and influent people, are reported in the newspapers and TV very often so that one can observe easily that their actions contradict their words.

(случайно нагугленное, Интернет подобным бредом забит нах более чем целиком)

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