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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:08:00

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2018-03-14 15:19 (ссылка)
Jeremy Corbyn is now responding.

He says the use of nerve agents is abominable.

The government should work with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, he says.

He asks what is being done through the OPCW if the government still believes this material could have been obtained by Russian government negligence.

How has the government responded to Russian demands for a sample?

There are cries of “shame” from some MPs.

Corbyn goes on: what information is there about where the nerve agent came from?

He asks if May agrees with him it is necessary to maintain a robust dialogue with Russia.

He says the UK and its allies should urge Russia to reveal full details of its chemical weapons programme to the OPCW.

It is a matter of huge regret that diplomatic capacity has been cut, he says.

This also generates a lot of jeering.

Corbyn says he could not understand a word of what Boris Johnson said to him just now, “but his behaviour demeans his office”.

Corbyn says the measures taken have to be effective.

What discussions have been had with Nato partners? What willingness was there to take multilateral action?

бля, какой же корбин гондон, это уму непостижимо
натурально завербован, наверное

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2018-03-14 19:48 (ссылка)
скорее всего, да
гондон неописуемый, хуже не делают

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