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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-12-05 23:53:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:23 Skidoo - URBAN GAMELAN
Entry tags:feminism, sjw

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy
Хорошее, в трех частях

Emily Yoffe in Atlantic Monthly
1. The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy
2. The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault
3. The Question of Race in Campus Sexual-Assault Cases

Про то, как в американских университетах, по требованию
обамовской администрации, ввели суды над студентами, обвиненными
в сексуальных нарушениях, инквизиция-стайл, с полным запретом
на разглашение, презумпцией виновности и дичайшими санкциями.
Называются эти конторы "Title IX office".

Yale releases a semiannual report of all possible sexual-assault and harassment complaints.
Its report for the latter half of 2015 included a new category: third-party reports in which the alleged victim, after being contacted by the Title IX office, refused to cooperate. These cases made up more than 30 percent of all undergraduate assault allegations.

Mark Hathaway, a California attorney who has dealt with several no-complainant complaints, says that the zeal with which these complaints are sometimes handled can be wounding psychologically to both the accused and his partner. Hathaway represented a young man who was in bed with his girlfriend in her dorm room. They were fooling around but not having intercourse. In the next bed was the girlfriend’s roommate and a male student. They thought that the girlfriend had had too much to drink to be able to consent to sexual activity. They mentioned their concern to a resident adviser, who was obligated to report it to the Title IX office, which then opened an investigation. “The girl says nothing happened; it was all consensual,” Hathaway told me. “But the school still goes forward.”

Because the school considered her a witness, the girlfriend was compelled to answer questions; had she refused to cooperate, she could have been disciplined. (If she had been the complainant, she would have had the right to decline.) Hathaway told me she “was in tears because she was required to explain to total strangers intimate sexual details.” The school concluded, despite her statements to the contrary, that she couldn’t have consented to the sexual encounter, and suspended her boyfriend for a semester. He was also required to attend eight sessions with a therapist on the topic of alcohol and sexual relationships.

Собственно, если кого-то интересует, на фоне чего возник этот
охуенный дискурс с #metoo, обвинениями всех подряд в сексуальных
преступлениях и презумпцией тотальной виновности
всех обвиненных.

Что немаловажно, пострадать через #metoo
можно через 20-30 лет после события, причем за
штуки, которые в тот момент считались в порядке вещей,
ну типа 50-летний министр в 2002-м году щупал
коленки у молоденькой журналистки,
тогда в этом ничего
такого не было, и сама журналистка тоже ни разу не обиделась.
А сейчас идет охота на ведьм, и за смешные
истории 20-летней давности увольняют с волчьим
билетом и конфискацией.

Поэтому ходите опасно. Хуй их знает, ебанутых, в любой момент
преступлением может стать что угодно.


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2017-12-07 00:42 (ссылка)
Rodger stated in his manifesto that in his self-proclaimed ideal world, he imagined that he would "quarantine all [women] in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off... I would have an enormous tower built just for myself... and gleefully watch them all die."[16]:136 He also dreamed of "a pure world, [where] the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization"

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2017-12-07 02:34 (ссылка)

Backed by the army and the adoring multitudes, Feric sets about the great task of re-invigorating the military, ordering the production of tanks and fighter jets, the establishment of the Swastika Squad (SS)—a legion of the purest and most manly men that can be found via the "Classification Camps," which examine all citizens of Heldon (killing the Doms and sterilizing or exiling all relatively impure humans). After repelling a Zind attack through Wolack, Heldon annexes its western and southern neighbors, beginning with Borgravia. In the course of the Helderisation of its neighbors Jaggar orders, at the suggestion of Bors Remler, that all mutants are to be euthanised rather than exiled.

Months later, his scientists report that they are near to rediscovering the secrets of atomic bombs, but that Zind is making efforts to dig up relics of the Ancients, which might salvage its own complement of nuclear weaponry. Noting the damage such weapons had done, Feric orders such research ended, and determines to wipe out Zind and every last Dom before they can unleash the Fire. Soon enough, Zind begins to rally its troops from their reverse in Wolack. The final invasion of Zind is hard fought: the main Helder force, under the command of Lar Waffing, takes the southwestern oil fields needed for resupply, while the secondary force fights a delaying action against the vast bulk of the Zind army to the north towards the Zind capital, Bora. Needless to say, the forces of Heldon prevail and the Zind army is destroyed and burned, down to the last mindless "Warrior". The central city is reduced to a cinder in a firestorm (akin to the bombing of Dresden in our world).

The last Dom, apparently a military leader, is discovered hiding in a bomb bunker. The Dom has anticipated defeat and, before Feric has the pleasure of killing him, triumphantly reveals that the Doms had salvaged and rearmed one of the ancient nuclear weapons. It is a doomsday weapon, and he triggers the failsafe. After Feric and his cohorts have evacuated Bora, a cobalt bomb detonates, and as the Dom planned, its fallout utterly corrupts the gene pool of Heldon. If any of its citizens, including Feric, reproduce, they will produce the mutants that they had previously sought to obliterate.

Feric orders the sterilization of the entire Heldon nation, including himself, and, in a final desperate gamble, orders the SS scientists to redouble their efforts to develop the next Master Race from cloning the perfect specimens of the SS. Eventually they succeed and millions of the new master race are produced in 'reproduction works' to complete the cleansing of the Earth. At the novel's close, Heldon has mastered interstellar travel. As a consequence, an initial starship, full of 300 of these seven-foot, blond, super-intelligent all-male SS clones in suspended animation, is launched into space to initiate Heldon's own galactic empire. The SS clones also have a clone of Feric to lead them. This inaugural rocket is launched on a voyage to Tau Ceti and will become the first of many.

In 1982, the book was "indexed" in West Germany by the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien for its alleged promotion of Nazism. Spinrad's publisher, Heyne Verlag, challenged this in court and, until the ban was overturned in 1990, the book could be sold, but not advertised or publicly displayed.

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2017-12-07 03:47 (ссылка)
есть перевод на русский, если кому интересно


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