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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-11 07:51:00

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AC - London’s calling and they’re calling you gay
2018-11-28 10:34 (ссылка)
Всё верно старики говорят

Ska is gay, Reggae is gay
You’re fucking gay and you’re not Punk
You say you hate corporations, but you were on NBC
London’s calling and they’re calling you gay

Rancid sucks, Rancid sucks, Rancid sucks, and The Clash sucked too
Rancid sucks, Rancid sucks, Rancid sucks, and The Clash sucked too

If Kenny G had a Mohawk, he wouldn’t be punk
If Yanni had dumb tattoos, he wouldn’t be punk
If Garth Brooks pierced his nose, he wouldn’t be punk
If Liberace sounded like The Clash, he wouldn’t be punk

You’re gay, you suck
You’re gay, you suck
You’re gay, you suck
You’re gay, you suck
You’re gay, you suck
You’re gay, you suck
And The Clash sucked too

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