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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-02-26 17:12:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Unter Null - Moving On
Entry tags:nauka, sjw

Очередной профессор пострадал
от сексуального харассмента.

"theoretical computer scientist has been exposed doing
the typical douchebag things, constantly hitting on young
researchers/students and being creepy"


Ужасное преступление Юваля Переса состояло
в том, что он постоянно приглашал коллег
на ланч и обед, при встрече дружески обнимал,
а один раз даже позвал купаться.

Обнимашки, кстати, в некоторых культурах распространены
до смешного, как-то меня занесло в полицейский участок
в Брюсселе (регистрировал визу), так по коридору шло
в две стороны два потока обоеполых ментов, под два метра
ростом каждый, и каждый с каждым обнимался и целовался.
Такие няши.

К сожалению, научное сообщество
не оценило обнимашек, и Юваля Переса
суммарно отовсюду уволили.

Переписка на тематическом листе.

Hello all,
This is an email composed by Irit Dinur, Oded Goldreich and me.
The purpose of this email is to share with you concerns that we had
regarding the unethical behavior of Yuval Peres. The behavior we are
referring to includes several recent incidents from the past few years, on
top of the two "big" cases of sexual harassment that led to severe
sanctions against him by his employer, Microsoft, and to the termination of
his connections with the University of Washington.

Together with two colleagues who are highly regarded and trusted by us, we
have first and second-hand testimonies (by people we trust without a shed
of doubt) of at least five additional cases of him approaching junior
female scientists, some of them students, with offers of intimate
nature, behavior that has caused its victims quite a bit of distress since
these offers were "insistent".

While the examples that we encountered from the last few years do not fall
under the category of sexual harassment from a legal point of view, they
certainly caused great discomfort to the victims, who were young female
scientists, putting them in a highly awkward situation, and creating an
atmosphere that they'd rather avoid (i.e., they would rather miss a
conference or a lecture than risk being subjected to repeated intimate
offers by him).

We wish to stress that his aggressive advances toward young women, usually
with no previous friendly connections with him, puts them in a vulnerable
position of fearing to cross a senior scientist who might have an impact on
their career, which is at a fragile stage. We believe that the questions of
whether or not Yuval Peres intended to make them uncomfortable, and whether
or not he would or could actually harm their scientific status are
irrelevant; the fact is that the victims felt very stressed to a point that
they'd rather miss professional events than risk encountering the same
situation again. Needless to say, it is the responsibility of senior
members of our community to avoid putting less senior members in such a

Our current involvement with this issue was triggered by an invitation
Yuval Peres received to give a plenary talk at an international conference
next year. We felt that this invitation sends a highly undesirable message
to our community in general, and to the women he harassed in particular, as
if his transgressions are considered unimportant.

We sent an email conveying our concern to the organizers of the
conference, suggesting that they disinvite him. With our permission, they
forwarded a version of our letter (in which we made changes in order to
protect the identity of the women involved) to Yuval Peres. They did not
reveal our identity, rather they told him that this is a letter from
"senior members of the community". In our letter we included a paragraph
describing a general principle that should be followed. The principle is:

*A senior researcher should not approach a junior researcher with an
invitation that may be viewed as intimate or personal unless such an
invitation was issued in the past by this specific junior to that specific
senior. The point being that even if the senior researcher has no
intimate/personal intentions, such intentions may be read by the junior
researcher, placing the junior in an awkward situation and possibly causing
them great distress. Examples for such an invitation include any invitation
to a personal event in which only the senior and the junior will be present
(e.g., a two-person dinner, a meeting in a private home, etc).*

Ответ профессора, оттуда же.

Dear Ehud, Irit and Oded, Dear email recipients:
This is my community, and I greatly appreciate each and every one of you.

As you can imagine, I am sad to see this email but understand it arises
from genuine concern of the authors.

(I do wish they had written to me directly rather than through

I disagree with some claims in the email but let me start by emphasizing
that I embrace the passage:

*A senior researcher should not approach a junior researcher with an
invitation that may be viewed as intimate or personal unless such an
invitation was issued in the past by this specific junior to that specific
senior. The point being that even if the senior researcher has no
intimate/personal intentions, such intentions may be read by the junior
researcher, placing the junior in an awkward situation and possibly causing
them great distress. Examples for such an invitation include any invitation
to a personal event in which only the senior and the junior will be present
(e.g., a two-person dinner, a meeting in a private home, etc).*

*I regret all cases in the past where I have not followed this principle.* I
had no intention to harass anyone but must have been tone deaf not to
recognize that I was making some people very uncomfortable. As I wrote
above, I promise to adhere to this principle in the future. In order to
show that I am not trivializing the concerns of Ehud, Irit and Oded*, I
will regretfully rescind my acceptance to deliver a keynote talk in the
conference that sparked their message*. I apologize to the organizers of
that conference and wrote to them separately.

I have collaborated with about 300 researchers in my career, many of them
women, and most of my success is due to those collaborations. (A lot of
those collaborations took place in two-person lunches and dinners but
usually when the collaborators knew each other well). In particular, I
consider my early work with Claire Mathieu and my recent book with Anna
Karlin as some of the high points of my career. In the last SODA/ANALCO I
gave four talks, three of them based on collaborations with brilliant
young women. I completely agree that it is crucial that we present a
welcoming atmosphere to these women.

If any one of you has further suggestions, you are very welcome to write
to me personally at this address.


Другие ссылки про то же

Мораль понятно,
"те, кто затевают вот это вот, вот это затевают
все вот это, это я их, этим людям и адресовываю",
не надо, друзья, иметь никаких сношений с коллегами
женского пола, прекратите это. Деловые можно иметь,
но звать их на ланч или обед вдвоем не надо, не надо
вот это вот, вот это затевают все вот это.
Живите по шариату, я серьезно, очень много
развелось людей в академии, у которых любое
пересечение личных рамок вызывает лютый батхерт,
а рамки эти поставлены примерно там же, где в

Еще недавно подобный совет звучал бы совершенно
дико. Скажем, знаменитый математик Ж.-П.
(феерическая няша) знаменит тем, что
невероятно галантен и всегда подкатывает
к любому математику женского пола, независимо от
возраста и замужности. Он старше меня лет на 50,
так что я эти истории слышал уже когда ему было
за 70; рассказывают их со смесью юмора и умиления,
но в основном все очень довольны, что патриарх такой
живчик. Математика сего в сообществе ужасно
любят: феерическая няша. И да, рассказывали это
коллеги-женщины. Замужние, и отшившие старичка
(с любовью).

Но то Франция, где metoo еще не очень раскрутили;
думаю, знаменитый математик Ж.-П. не доживет до
metoo-разоблачения. Не сомневаюсь, что он и в Америке
так же действовал, но тогда было можно, а в 1990-м он
оттуда свалил, когда ушел на пенсию.

В общем, то, что было ок в 1990-м, ныне совершенно
не ок, и если вы этого до сих пор не осознали, вас
уволят и заплюют слюнями в твиттере. Поэтому не надо.

Обсуждать, хорош для сообщества сей новообретенный
шариат, я не собираюсь; математикам мужского пола
(которых все еще 90%) придется подавить эротические
импульсы, но качество жизни от этого особенно не
пострадает, а математики женского пола в целом очень
довольны происходящим. Есть теория, что от #meetoo
женщинам в математике настанет полный пиздец,
но как-то на практике ничего подобного (пока) не видно,
да и шариатские порядки никому особенно не мешают


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2019-02-28 03:23 (ссылка)
да-да, точно. "нас ебут а мы крепчаем", вот это всё.

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2019-02-28 06:44 (ссылка)
это другое
"нас ебут, а нам по нраву". ощущения интересные у них понимаешь
и только сперма по плешивой тыковке стекает на бородёнку

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