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Пишет sasha_a ([info]sasha_a)
Недавняя публикация
https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2019-03-111.pdf страница 28
Ulf Persson "ICM 2018 in Rio – A Personal Account Part I"
спровоцировала следующую реакцию здешнего придурка
(на случай, если Вы не видели; я-то думал его выбрали как попку-дурака, но похоже известно кто дал отмашку):

Dear Mr. Persson,

I am writing to you concerning the article “ICM 2018 in Rio – A Personal Account Part I”, published on the Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, March 2019.

In an era of intensive, and often pointless, communication, no academician would really bother arguing with the author of a text like yours, were it conveyed to the community through the appropriate channels (a personal blog, or Facebook private page, a local magazine’s readers section, etc.).

The surprise here is that a reputable organization like the European Mathematical Society has allowed, hopefully for the lack of proper supervision, the publication of assertions like:

“perhaps Brazil does not really care about mathematics, and by implication other intellectual pursuits; instead it is a hedonistic country geared towards soccer and dancing samba on the beaches”

“Brazilians do not care about Fields medalists, they are instead heading for the beaches or the soccer stadiums”

“...the theft of Birkar’s Fields medal, whether by design or accident I am not sure...”

on its Newsletter. The “personal account” disclaimer in the title does not alleviate the responsibility of EMS, that has already been contacted to obtain a retract of your offenses.

Not only your grotesque view of our culture and society is at stake here. Let me add, as a personal reflection, that not being capable of interviewing the Fields medalists during the event (blaming it to the context), and being convinced that:

“When I was a young man the Fields medalists were old established men whom I already knew of. Nowadays they are mere babes...”

entails serious questionings as to whether you are truly qualified to act in the capacity of Editor of the EMS Newsletter. Manifestly, this has nothing to do with Brazil or the ICM.

Cordially yours,
Paolo Piccione
President of the Brazilian Mathematical Society

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