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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-07-10 20:34:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Адаптация - ДЖУТ
Entry tags:sick

Go Trans Rights! Go Trans Rights!
про очередных феминисток, отпизженных транс-активистами.

В английских университетах сейчас идет натуральная
чистка, в духе сталинизма, профессора транс-активисты
выпизживают профессоров-феминисток, в основном успешно

до кучи, охуительнейшая история про мужика, который сел за
серийные изнасилования, в тюрьме объявил себя женщиной, был переведен
в женское отделение, и там дополнительно изнасиловал кучу теток

Go Trans Rights! Go Trans Rights!

А вот про f2m переход для девочек
9-13 лет, феминисткам это тоже не по нраву,
за что им приходится получать дополнительных пиздюлей

The Tavistock, the NHS clinic that specialises in treating

children 'who experience difficulties in the development
of their gender identity', has just released its annual
batch of statistics. The figures reveal that the children
being referred to the clinic are younger than ever, and
that far more girls than boys are seeking treatment.

As The Times reports, over half of all the children seen by the
Tavistock are now under the age of 14. The number of
13-year-olds referred in the past year rose by 30 per cent
to 331, while the number of 11-year-olds is up by 28 per
cent. The youngest patients were just three years old.

Three quarters of children who want help to change their
gender are now girls - the highest proportion ever
recorded. We urgently need to ask why girls in particular
are so unhappy with the prospect of growing up to be women
that they would prefer to change gender altogether.

The messages children receive about gender are shaped by
our culture. Ironically, now that many children are taught
that they can choose their own gender, the limits of
acceptable behaviour within the genders seem more fixed
than ever. Trans activists and campaigners would have us
believe that the boy who wants to wear a dress must really
be a girl, and that the girl who prefers getting into
fights to experimenting with make-up must be a boy. Rather
than society changing to accommodate a broader range of
behaviour from boys and girls, children are told that they
must change. This is a cruel lesson for adults to inflict
on children.

Adolescence is a difficult time in which girls, in
particular, can develop a complicated relationship with
their bodies, sometimes leading to self-harm. One
explanation for anorexia is that it is an attempt by
adolescent girls to stop growing up and to keep their body
childlike. Anorexia is taken very seriously by parents,
teachers and health professionals who encourage girls to
eat. But when teenage girls want to harm their bodies by
chest-binding or taking puberty-blockers, they can find
that these behaviours are not just validated but actively
supported by schools and social workers. Charities and
pressure groups like Mermaids or Stonewall need to be held
to account for promoting the idea that changing gender is
an answer to the problems some young people face.

* * *

Интересно, что вне Америки, Канады и Англии все эти sjw-ужасы
не приживаются вообще, причем даже в Англии народ активно
сопротивляется (и в результате, похоже, транс-права
в Англии сейчас будут откатывать). Все-таки Америка
замечательно дегенеративное общество, просто образцовое.


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садков вообще сиськи без всякий гормонов вырастил, смекалочка

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