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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-08-05 19:55:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Forgotten Woods - As The Wolves Gather
Entry tags:anti-russia

источник неврозов и депрессий
Какая смешная книжка

...This entertaining and insightful book performs two

functions. It?s a whistlestop guide to the best of Russian
literature from 1800 to 1910. And it?s a beautiful piece
of travel writing about the Russia of all our fantasies,
from the ?willow stooping over the central alley? leading
to Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy?s estate south of Moscow, to
the distant shores of Lake Baikal, where Wheeler finds a
delicious meal of white fish in a place where Chekhov
could find only vodka (leaving him to surmise that
Russians were pigs).

Here the author of The Magnetic North and Terra Incognita,
a specialist in Arctic and Antarctic adventure, turns her
attentions to the land mass that sprawls across eight time
zones, where any traveller is guaranteed to receive an
ostentatiously frosty reception — initially, at least.
Wheeler’s task has been to capture Russia through a
bifocal lens: first through the eyes of the classic
Russian authors she loves, and second through the lives
of contemporary Russians we rarely hear about, outside
of the Moscow–St Petersburg axis.

Although the book is a success, this quest - for a million
reasons, not least linguistic and, I suspect,
psychological - was doomed to failure. Russians, as
Wheeler finds, are not keen to analyse, or open up to
strangers, or even pose many questions of themselves or of
others. But she doesn't give up easily, even though
everywhere she goes she hears the same things: casual
racism and homophobia, a mistrust of the West and of
liberal democracy, and the view that 'Putin is the Tsar we
need'. She sighs and bears her fate nobly, with the same
sort of world-weary tolerance she encounters in
Russians. But the more determined she is to get under the
skin of these people, the more they prove elusive or play
to type. She concludes that the lives of the millions of
Russians outside the big cities she wanted to represent
'were and are consumed with the generally dreadful
business of being Russian'.

* * *

Мораль простая: пушкин-достоевский-толстой-чехов -
вредное чтиво, источник неврозов и депрессий, на этом
фоне душка де Сад отдыхает. Вообще "русская культура"
есть концентрированное зло, концентрат раболепства,
мазохизма и сексуальной фрустрации. Бессмысленная
штука, скучная, гнилая и унылая, хуже зубной боли.
Фу таким быть.


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2019-08-08 23:19 (ссылка)
Довольно забавно, чувак публично каетсясообщает, что назвал хуйло хуйлом,
чтобы понравиться избирателям, и пострадал своими чреслами за отечество. Выглядит, как дурак и козел,

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2019-08-09 19:41 (ссылка)
ну он там перед избирателями выступал (его указом пороха назначили), а перед перед свежеохуевшими чуваками с фронта и хотел сказать что он тоже сжег мосты.

вообще пассажир отвратительнейший. он говорит правду ровно столько сколько выгодно ему. и можно сколько угодно делать вид порядочного миллиардера, но фразы вроде этого "советы к делу не пришьешь" выдают с головой.

ну, шо маемо то маемо

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