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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-09-01 15:39:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Ah Cama-Sotz - MANTRA
Entry tags:feminism, games, metoo, sjw

Cathedral of Misogyny
Занятные подробности
про Zoe Quinn, ответственную за Gamergate и за недавний
суицид SJW-геймдизайнера Алекса Холовко. Перед тем, как
она занялась разоблачением геймдизайнеров, Зое Куинн была
эротической моделью, и разоблачала случайных прохожих
и сотрудников, а также девушку-фотографа.

...7 years later, Zoe is still BY FAR the worst client I have

ever had.

What does this story have to do with GamerGate? When I
realized Locke was Zoe, I was disgusted to see she was
still playing the same games. Stealing, cheating, lying
and claiming to be victimized by anyone and
everyone. Maybe she did stab some guy in the face, and
maybe in the first week at every new job she had, some guy
tried to extort sex from her. Maybe that doesn?t establish
an MO on her part. But I know, I did nothing wrong to that
woman, and I did not deserve to be lied about. I did not
deserve to have my time and my money wasted, and even now,
I wonder if opening my mouth about this means she will
think of some new horse shit to spread about me to try to
ruin my career. And that does seem to be her modus

И немного ссылок до кучи


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2019-09-02 10:40 (ссылка)
Его Мырзин в Киеве поймал и в жопу выебал.

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