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Пишет nashgold ([info]nashgold)
Misha, do you have a bank account in Russia?
After criticized Putin, the guy found that $5000 (his whole life's savings) are no more:

Then he also got warning that one more Facebook post, and he will be in jail.

Protip: the idiot actually kept his money on a Russian bank account, instead of cash. Had he used say a Western bank account, Russia would be forced to fill in an Interpol request and the process would have been much more complicated, especially given that many offshore banks don't cooperate with totalitarian regimes. But Russian banks are like Putin's personal property. Same way if you register a business in Russia, it could be taken from you any moment, given that it will make even a single USD in profit. And then you will prove nothing.

BTW, despite the existence of laws allowing to jail people directly for treason, authorities still prefer to apply different crime code articles, like planting explosives, drugs or child porn in your apartments, and then charging for possession. To get charged with actually political article, you need to be very creative and post something generally outrageous, so they will have no need to smear your reputation, since common Russians will applaud your arrest.

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