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Некто написал,


Every time I turn on my TV,
I see niggers, niggers, niggers.
Every time I watch a Hollywood movie –
Niggers, niggers, niggers.

They're only twelve percent of the population,
But you'd think they were ninety-nine.
I got niggers, niggers, niggers on my mind.

Every damned TV commercial that you see,
They're tellin' some stupid white person what to buy.
Even though their IQ tests are always lower than the average white,
They always seem to be smart on TV - unlike in real life.

I got niggers, niggers on my mind.

The Hollywood Jews are always pushin' race mixin'
With the niggers, niggers, niggers.
In the future there won't be a white race at all,
Just niggers, niggers, niggers - kikes!

Only twelve percent of the population,
But you'd think they were ninety-nine.
I got niggers, niggers, niggers on my mind.

Now who's responsible for most of the crime?
Niggers, niggers, niggers!
And who's doin' most of the prison time?
Niggers, niggers, niggers!
Hollywood always has 'em savin' the world,
But they're destroyin' it, more like it.

Got nigger, niggers, niggers on my mind all the time.
I got niggers, niggers, niggers on my mind.

One more time. What do we got, bro'?
Niggers, niggers, niggers on my mind!

Understand what I'm sayin', motherfucker?

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