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вообще более-менее вся майстрим идеология голливуда и масс-медиа это патентованный абсурд https://www.takimag.com/article/roast-i Whenever rightists talk about this “new Hollywood” idea, they always phrase it as “we need to compete with the left; we need to tell our stories to counter theirs.” In other words, we need our propaganda out there to counter their propaganda. And here’s where the “new Hollywood” conservatives miss the big picture: We’re not dealing with “leftist propaganda vs. rightist propaganda”; we’re dealing with leftist propaganda vs. reality. And our nation is dying because reality is losing. More movies won’t help. People don’t need a Nick Searcy film to tell them that a man in lipstick and a dress is not a woman. They don’t need “conservative Hollywood” to convince them that there are only two genders. They already know it. We all already know it. And even while knowing it, we’ve still ceded reality to a bunch of mentally ill fabulists who’ve forced us to accept their fantasies as our facts. The tranny lobby has academia, a majority of national U.S. politicians, a totality of politicians in certain states, and a majority of SCOTUS justices. What the hell difference will a movie make? We don’t need movies to tell us that police departments shouldn’t be abolished, that looters aren’t “peacefully protesting,” that black-on-white crime exists. We know this already. We see it. We experience it, in the primacy of real life, not on celluloid. And even with everything we know, the fake reality is still supplanting the real one. Haven’t we all (including millennials) been raised on TV shows that portray cops as heroes? Yet regardless of that, anti-cop sentiment is the political order of the day. “Politics is downstream from culture”? Please. Not in a system in which voters who know good from bad and right from wrong stand helpless as even the “good” politicians they elected do nothing to oppose evil and unreason. Movies can’t fix that level of broken. Добавить комментарий: |
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