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Пишет György Schwartz ([info]perfect_kiss)
и NAEBCу вспоминать и Peace Datу


Shelby Grossman: There have been some isolated instances of foreign meddling in the U.S., though they are definitely not at the same scale that they were at in 2016. What we’ve been seeing in terms of foreign interference is, first, there have been a couple of instances of people linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin—the Russian businessmen who led the Internet Research Agency in 2016, which was tasked with creating social media posts targeting voters in the U.S.—creating some fake news websites to push hyperpartisan content targeting Americans. For example, a few weeks ago, Facebook uncovered a network of pages linked to a website called peacedata.net, which claimed to be a global news organization. It had articles targeting Democrats in the U.S.—lots of articles about liberal issues.

There are a couple of things that were interesting about this website. First, it had hired unwitting American freelancers to create content for it. Also, its social media operation was suspended extremely early. Its Facebook pages had just a few hundred followers by the time Facebook took them down. So, I think the social media platforms, in collaboration with researchers at Graphika, really stopped this operation in its tracks. And it wasn’t just peacedata.net; individuals linked to the Internet Research Agency also created a website called NAEBC, which was similar to peacedata.net, but was targeting right-wing Americans. It had a lot of content criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement, and also used American freelance reporters.

кстати в этом бложике вроде ссылки пробегали на этот peacedata, или мне почудилось ?

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