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Пишет György Schwartz ([info]perfect_kiss)
Боюсь огорчить, но ровно в третьей
статье на которую тыкнул случайно прямо тезисы
с раша тудей и скопированы:


1773 were not seen in the same light as they were by the Sons of Liberty in the Massachusetts colony.

To Parliament, this was mob violence, and the shooting and killing at Lexington and Concord were acts of insurrection and treason.

But because we won the Revolution, those events are portrayed and remembered differently. For when it comes to riots and revolutions, all depends on who writes the narrative of history. It is the winners.

Joe Biden and his party have responded by setting as a goal the replacement of “equality of rights” with “equity,” an equality of results, where gaps in test scores, incarcerations, incomes and wealth between white and black are to be closed by government action.

However, as for the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6 by Trumpists, to protest and perhaps change the outcome of the election, that was an act of insurrection, a treasonous attempt to overturn a democratic election and overthrow a democratic government.

In Russia, there have been protests in many cities over the recent jailing of dissident Alexei Navalny. But winter weather and thousands of police arrests have cooled the protests, and Vladimir Putin booted out of the country three EU diplomats from Poland, Germany and Sweden who attended the pro-Navalny demonstrations.

When it comes to illegal and disorderly protests, Xi Jinping and Putin take them seriously and play hardball. They see mass protests and riots as Western-inspired, if not Western-planned, and deal with them as subversive activities.

The American media defended the Hong Kong protesters and tended to minimize, excuse or ignore its excesses and violence.

Если это не игра на стороне Путлера и Виннипуха, то даже не знаю что. Напомню что против Путлера даже протестов нет (с фонариками не считается), против Виннипуха точно так же нет, Гонконг вот подавили.

Я этот сайт изредка просматриваю и постоянно там такой подыгрыш
путинистам и олигархату нахожу. Возможно просто если долго читать,
то просто привычка вырабатывается и оно начинает проходить мимо внимания.
Не знаю, так часто просматривать такимаг еще не пытался.

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