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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-05-16 22:53:00

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2021-07-13 17:38 (ссылка)
Europeans, Ukrainians, Americans, all your destination countries of choice are all sill groups with group norms, which they would enforce onto you. So you are basically saying that you need your own autonomous country, or you would start killing people (commies/niggers), because you are locked with them, they don't allow you to go your own way, you lack common interest with them, and you can't be represented by a shared government.

What size of country do you need to be at peace?

>If you hate some nigger

There was nothing about hate in your definition of racism above. It was about "rejecting that you have something in common with the niggers, and insisting on going your own way". "not having something in common" != hate, unless you automatically hate everyone you don't have something in common with(all the people).

If you already hate someone, why hide behind some contrived "individualism", lie to yourself and others, when you can just be honest with yourself, and say that killing someone you hate is what you want regardless, and it's just a little bit lower on your wish-list than having a career in game development or something. That would explain your behavior much better, and it's not inconsistent.

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