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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-09-20 12:23:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Lucifer - MARGINIA
Entry tags:covid

Why Does No One Ever Talk About Sweden Anymore?
про пропагандистов ковидобесия, которые
требовали покарать преступников из шведского минздрава
за отказ закрывать школы, вводить локдаун и требовать
масочки, и шведскую статистику по ковиду.

Очень занятно посмотреть, как NPC обосрались
по каждому пункту, а Швеция в итоге оказалась в лучшем
положении, чем более-менее любая страна, которая вводила
локдаун; причем, чем строже был локдаун, тем в большей
жопе оказывались ковидобесы (в Южной Америке, например,
это так более-менее без единого исключения).


The Swedish COVID-19 Response Is a Disaster.
It Shouldn't Be a Model for the Rest of the World.

Will There Be a Reckoning Over Sweden's Disastrous 'Herd
Immunity' Strategy?

Sweden's renegade COVID-19 policy looks like a disaster -
but the country is quietly determined to see it through
despite the cost in lives

Аналогичные подробности про Израиль, в котором ситуация
с ковидом на порядок хуже, чем в Швеции, даже по
официальным данным. Политика Израиля в области ковида
описывается как идеальная, потому что там запрещали
более-менее все.

Israel Owes Its COVID-19 Vaccination Success To A System
of Universal Coverage And Community Infrastructure

Israel to end COVID-19 restrictions after vaccine success

Sweden's currently averaging about 90 cases per
million. Israel's averaging 1,218. That's a lot worse! In
fact, it's 1,253% worse than Sweden.

Now, it's very likely Sweden will see another increase
over the fall and winter, just as they did last year, but
uh...that's kinda the point isn't it? The increases happen
in waves, regardless of supposed "mitigation" efforts. And
again, Israel has been repeatedly and endlessly praised
for their success. Sweden is a "disaster" and a
"renegade." Yet Israel's recorded 13,279 cases per 100,000
since they started counting, the 11th highest rate in the
world, while Sweden's recorded 11,111 cases per 100,000.

But that doesn't matter, because Israel's done what
they're told, and Sweden hasn't. There are no masks, no
vaccine passports, no draconian business closures. They
have a "consistent and sustainable" approach that's led
to...fewer confirmed infections than countries like Israel.

Between July 10th and September 7th, Sweden has reported
56 total deaths. Israel reported 56 just on September 8th,
with a significantly smaller population! Success!

Although while their recent death rate is significantly
higher, Time will never criticize Israel as a "disaster,"
because they did what they were told. And that's all that

NPC смешные зверюшки, конечно,
но жить с ними на одной планете
очень не хочется, тому що они
социально опасные.

Что до Швеции, с самого начала было
очевидно даже ежику, что шведский подход к ковиду -
единственно совместимый с рассудком и совестью.
Ежик умнее, чем NPC, потому что у него
мозги, а у NPC телеящик.

По ссылке от [info]stas@dw.


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2021-09-22 12:24 (ссылка)
В Израиле тоже уголовка (большой штраф) за пользование услугами проституток. Интересно, что этот дурацкий закон пробили не религиозные партии, а ультралевые МЕРЕЦ и Авода, которые якобы за my body is my choice.

В США зависит от штата, федерального запрета нет. В Неваде проституция легализована.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-09-22 12:36 (ссылка)

>В Неваде проституция легализована.

Не во всем штате и не вся. Вне борделя она запрещена целиком,
а бордели разрешены только в сельской местности.

1. Prostitution Is Not Legal In All Counties

Although prostitution is legal according to the State of Nevada, it comes with the caveat that only counties with a population below 700,000 are permitted to authorize brothels.

Because Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, has a population exceeding 700,000, this means that prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas and in the surrounding areas.

There are other counties where prostitution is not authorized. As of this writing, these include Washoe County (where Reno is located), Douglas County, Eureka County, Lincoln County, and Pershing County.

2. Brothels Must Follow State Safety Rules

Per Nevada law, sex workers who provide services in brothels must submit to monthly blood testing for HIV and syphilis, as well as periodic testing for other STDs. Sex workers are not allowed to provide services until they have demonstrated to the State of Nevada that they are free of any sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Applying For A Brothel License Requires A Background Check

If one is applying to run or manage a brothel, passing a background check is required. Those applying must also disclose the identity of the person managing the facility. Disclosure of the business’ financing is also required by the state.

4. Escorts Are Legal In Las Vegas, But Know The Law

Legally speaking, an escort is defined as someone who accompanies others for hire in either public or private settings, and escort services are legal in the city of Las Vegas as well as the rest of Clark County, albeit with restrictions.

All escorts operating in Clark County must be state licensed and possess work cards. Further, escorts are not permitted to offer sexual services for money, nor are escort services allowed to advertise that sex is being offered. Doing so could result in prostitution and pandering charges for the escort and the client. Undercover operations to catch perpetrators are quite common.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-09-23 23:08 (ссылка)
> Per Nevada law, sex workers who provide services in brothels must submit to monthly blood testing for HIV and syphilis, as well as periodic testing for other STDs. Sex workers are not allowed to provide services until they have demonstrated to the State of Nevada that they are free of any sexually transmitted diseases.

Правильно сделано.

All escorts operating in Clark County must be state licensed and possess work cards. Further, escorts are not permitted to offer sexual services for money, nor are escort services allowed to advertise that sex is being offered.

Наполнение бюджетика видно невооруженным глазом. Накидался на Стрипе, пристаешь к эскортнице - в пьяные глаза тыкается корочка и "давайте договоримся".

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2021-09-23 23:05 (ссылка)
Да, Израиль в список нео-аболиционистов забыл вписать. Единственная азиатская страна такая.

В США все отдано на откуп штатам, и запрещено везде, кроме Невады, а в Неваде все отдано на откуп местным администрациям округов. Где-то можно, где-то нет.В этом смысле законы в США отстают от настроения населения, оставаясь с бумерской эпохи.

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