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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2022-04-06 16:28:00

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2022-06-01 04:14 (ссылка)
дедушка письмо в газету написал


> I’ve decided that we will provide the Ukrainians with more advanced rocket systems and munitions that will enable them to more precisely strike key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine.

> We do not seek a war between NATO and Russia. As much as I disagree with Mr. Putin, and find his actions an outrage, the United States will not try to bring about his ouster in Moscow.

> My principle throughout this crisis has been “Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.” I will not pressure the Ukrainian government — in private or public — to make any territorial concessions. It would be wrong and contrary to well-settled principles to do so.

> Ukraine’s talks with Russia are not stalled because Ukraine has turned its back on diplomacy. They are stalled because Russia continues to wage a war to take control of as much of Ukraine as it can.

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2022-06-01 09:18 (ссылка)
Нет никакой войны, есть СВО ;) Донецк будет освобожден от жидо-рептилойдной оккупации!

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2022-06-01 10:00 (ссылка)
> Донецк будет освобожден

this part is true

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2022-06-01 14:59 (ссылка)
Можно со спокойной совестью называть тебя и тебе подобных СВОлочами.

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Аппизднутый коллаборант
2022-06-01 16:30 (ссылка)
we will not be directly engaged in this conflict, either by sending American troops to fight in Ukraine or by attacking Russian forces. We are not encouraging or enabling Ukraine to strike beyond its borders. We do not want to prolong the war just to inflict pain on Russia.

Let me be clear: Any use of nuclear weapons in this conflict on any scale would be completely unacceptable to us as well as the rest of the world and would entail severe concerns.

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Re: Аппизднутый коллаборант
2022-06-02 09:27 (ссылка)
Садись на бутылку и скачи нахуй, тупой руснявый правак.

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