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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2022-11-07 19:02:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Scorpion Wind - HEAVEN SENT
Entry tags:covid

ковидобесина Emily Oster
выступила со статьей "Let's Declare
a Pandemic Amnesty", типа ебаные гнойные
ковидофашисты уничтожили перспективы
целого поколения, разрушили образование,
необратимо дискредитировали науку, растоптали
гражданские свободы и превратили жизнь
в параноидальный ад, а теперь давайте
объявим, что всего этого не было, ошибки
же случаются.

Ошибки, конечно, случаются. Но вот есть
такой сорт мрази, у которых ошибки всегда
случаются в сторону фашизма, и никогда в
сторону просвещения и политических свобод.
Называются "левые", называются "демократы",
называются "мсм" и "антифа". По факту, эта
самая "антифа" это современное имя для
цензуры, фашизма и авторитарианства. Если
не бороться с фашистами, фашизм вернется
при первом же удобном случае. Поэтому
никаких амнистий.

Never forgive, never forget

Never, never
Never forgive, never forget
Never, not ever

Never forgive, never forget
Never, never
Never forgive, never forget
Never, not ever

Пишет Дэвид Стром,
противник ковидобесия.

...Once data started rolling in and the true
scope of
its danger was known, COVID became a political cause for
the Left, not a public health issue. Public policy and
social behavior was no longer grounded in any connection
to reality and became a political signifier, and every
single awful consequence that has come from the use of
COVID as a political cudgel to attack those of us who
demanded a rational, measured response is entirely
blameworthy. The people who did this must pay a price.

COVID fanatics deserve every single bit of the
consequences that are coming for them, and far far more
than they will suffer.

Once April or May 2020 rolled around the Left clearly
realized that COVID would make an outstanding political
tool with which to bash the Republicans, and even more
important it would become a tool to fundamentally reshape
society in a manner that would be much more to their
liking. Democrats in the United States started using COVID
as a cudgel, not as a problem to be rationally addressed.

Freedom-always the enemy of the Left-could be constrained
at the whim of politicians using "emergency"
powers. Dissenters could be censored because they were
spreading "misinformation," compliance could be compelled
(mask mandates) with serious economic and social
consequences attached to failure to comply, and grand
plans for social and economic transformation were set in
motion. Wearing a mask became a symbol of the desire to
oppress, and was a license to do so with impunity.

And, as the Telegraph has reported, non-COVID excess
deaths now exceed COVID deaths
- due to the horrible
policies put in place by the elites. COVID policies are
killing people and the problem will get worse as the lack
of preventative medicine takes its toll.

So no, I will not forgive and forget, and neither should
anyone else. These were not innocent mistakes, but the
result of a plan to exploit people's fears-fears that the
elites did everything to stoke-for their own
benefit. Trillions of dollars were transferred from
ordinary people to billionaires, children suffered
enormous learning loss, lives were ruined,
literally. People still cannot enter the US (legally)
without a COVID vaccine. It is insane.

We should forgive our relatives and our friends for their
irrational behavior, but we should not forgive a single
policy maker who used COVID as an excuse to oppress
us. Canadians should politically destroy Trudeau,
Europeans the fascists who oppressed them, and Americans
the Democrat and Republican politicians who signed on to
this evil oppression.

* * *

Не следует забывать походу, что смертность от ковидофашизма
много больше смертности от ковида,
то есть фашистские практики
активистов ковидобесия не просто разрушительны и противоправны, они
еще и совершенно бесполезны ко всему прочему.

Never forgive, never forget
Never, never
Never forgive, never forget
Never, not ever


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Re: ЛОЛБД ггг
2022-11-10 22:08 (ссылка)
понюхай пизду селедкиной и всё пройдет ггг

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