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Пишет Ivan Makovetskiy ([info]ivanmakovetskiy)

Можно еще промпты поискать, типа rewrite this in the style of Morrissey:

Dear Principal,

Permit me to convey my distress regarding a student at our esteemed institution who has committed a heinous act. It has come to my attention that this individual has utilized technology, the language model ChatGPT, to pen a false denunciation against another student.

Such behavior is a direct affront to the principles of truth and morality that our school holds dear. The student in question has resorted to deceit and fabrication, potentially damaging the reputation and future of their innocent peer.

I implore you to take swift and decisive action in investigating this matter. The use of ChatGPT to spread falsehoods must not be tolerated and serves only to sully the reputation of our school.

I have faith in your judgement and leadership, and I trust that you will take this issue to heart and take measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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