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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2024-12-13 06:20:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Vivaldi - Concerto in F major for 2 horns, strings and b.c., RV538
Entry tags:covid

расследование конгресса по поводу ковида
расследование конгресса по поводу ковида, 500-страничный
документ. Если вкратце, то главные гады это ООН, Fauci и его
команда, а также профсоюз учителей и губернатор штата
Нью-Йорк; а также EcoHealth Alliance, которые (на деньги
Fauci, и действуя совместно с китайской компартией) вывели
этот самый ковид в китайской лаборатории.

Ну и понятное, в общем


COVID-19 pandemic was an abject failure because it caved
to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party and placed
China's political interests ahead of its international
duties. Further, the WHO's newest effort to solve the
problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic - via a
"Pandemic Treaty" - may harm the United States.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: The "6 feet apart" social distancing
recommendation - which shut down schools and small
business across the country - was arbitrary and not based
on science. During closed door testimony, Dr. Fauci
testified that the guidance, "sort of just appeared."

MASK MANDATES: There was no conclusive evidence that masks
effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. Public
health officials flipped-flopped on the efficacy of masks
without providing Americans scientific data - causing a
massive uptick in public distrust.

LOCKDOWNS: Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to
not only the American economy, but also to the mental and
physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative
effect on younger citizens. Rather than prioritizing the
protection of the most vulnerable populations, federal and
state government policies forced millions of Americans to
forgo crucial elements of a healthy and financially sound

* * *

Если кто не помнит, изначально WHO заявила, что смертность
от ковида больше 3%, причем уже тогда было известно, что
она меньше, чем от гриппа. Все это, как потом выяснилось,
было результатом массированной медийной кампании китайских
спецслужб, направленной на оправдание закручивания гаек в
Китае и уничтожение оппозиции в Гонконге. Охуевшие от
ковидобесия либералы провели 2020-й и 2021-й, прославляя
"эффективные" китайские методы борьбы с ковидом, и порицая
те немногие страны, которые не поддались на китайские

В Штатах сие наложилось на традиционные партийные
противоречия, демократическая партия, вместе с
гуглом, эпплом, фейсбуком и прочей фашистской мразью
от хай-теха, объявила китайскую версию единственно
верной, всех ее противников (республиканцев) моральными
деградантами, и запустила беспрецедентный механизм
цензуры Интернета и социальных сетей.


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2024-12-13 12:14 (ссылка)

Compare this stat to Italy, which reported 213 deaths from the virus, and more than 2,000 new cases on Wednesday – or even the UK, which reported 83 – and the decline appears even more remarkable. The WHO has recognised it as such, praising China’s response, while a new study in the journal Science shows that the country’s travel lockdown may have sharply slowed the virus’s global spread.

What, then, should the UK, in the early stages of its own epidemic, learn from China’s success?

Epidemics grow for a simple reason – how often people mix. This rate fluctuates with factors like population density, contact between age groups, and, in the case of deriving accurate numbers, how many people are being tested. “When we see cases jump suddenly – for example as we've seen that in the US recently – that reflects a testing capacity issue, rather than being a true reflection of the epidemic itself,” explains Caroline Buckee, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.

Yet the country’s quarantine is unprecedented. It is the largest in human history. Thirteen cities, containing more than 60 million people have been locked down. Homes have become prisons; life has stopped. “China has the ability to impose these measures better than anyone else on the planet,” explains Bogoch. “There's no other place that could do what China did to that magnitude and sustain it.” The cancellation of Chinese Lunar New Year demonstrates this – imagine the reaction if, on December 23, the UK announced that no one could travel within, in or out of the country. “How's that gonna play out?” says Bogoch.

Yet these actions may very well prove to be effective. “There is a scientific rationale to support such measures,” says Flahault. “Similar measures were implemented in the early twentieth century, in 1918 for the Spanish Flu, with evidence of success when they are implemented early enough and long enough.”


"In the year since the coronavirus began its march around the world, China has done what many other countries would not or could not do," the paper claimed. "With equal measures of coercion and persuasion, it has mobilized its vast Communist Party apparatus to reach deep into the private sector and the broader population, in what the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, has called a 'people’s war' against the pandemic — and won."

"The success has positioned China well, economically and diplomatically," the paper asserted, noting Xi offering China’s experience "as a model for others to follow.

And many aspects of the Chinese strategy could never be adopted in America or in any other democracy. The strict policy of isolating individuals who test positive is also applied to children, who are separated from their parents even if they are asymptomatic. In June, a year-old Pakistani arrived on a flight and tested positive. For more than a month, the baby was held for medical observation.
Such dramatic examples tend to distract from more useful elements of the Chinese approach. The Chinese epidemiologist in Shanghai had also worked for many years in the U.S., and I asked if there was anything that Americans could realistically learn from China. “Community engagement,” he said immediately. “We don’t have the neighborhood-committee structure in the U.S., but it’s important to find some alternative.” He noted that public-health services might have served this purpose if the American system had been properly funded. Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told me that contact tracing is something of a lost art in the U.S. “We did a study of the measles outbreak in 2019, and they were doing minimal contact tracing,” she said. “It’s so incredibly resource-oriented, and public health has been decimated.”
From my perspective, there are also issues of education and effort. Despite the political indoctrination involved in Chinese schooling, the system teaches people to respect science. Hard work is another core value, and somehow society has become more prosperous without losing its edge. Nearly a quarter century ago, I taught young people who were driven by the desire to escape poverty; these days, my middle-class students seem to work at least as hard, because of the extreme competitiveness of their environment. Such qualities are perfect for fighting the pandemic, at least when channelled effectively by government structures. In comparison, the American response often appears passive—even enlightened citizens seem to believe that obeying lockdown orders and wearing masks in public is enough. But any attempt to control the virus requires active, organized effort, and there needs to be strong institutional direction.

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2024-12-13 13:06 (ссылка)
сколько шума, а вирусов нет

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2024-12-13 15:23 (ссылка)
«Дома превратились в тюрьмы» и «это недемократично и никогда не прокатит в Америке» — это, по мишиному, «либералы прославляют китайские методы».

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2024-12-15 02:23 (ссылка)
Миша и сам "китайские методы" на самом деле прославляет, достаточно впомнить интервью zветову или предыдущий пост.

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2024-12-14 14:15 (ссылка)

>Will Bedingfield covers video games and internet culture.

эталонный тупорылый пидарас


>Teaching and learning in Sichuan during the pandemic.
>By Peter Hessler

а этого пидараса просто бросили бы в застенки Сычуаня, напиши он что неровно


невозможно прочитать, слишком развитой пейволл, нет мотивации возиться

но это и к лучшему: если я не могу, то большинство и подавно.

короче миша, вам следует проявлять разборчивость даже в выборе говна, которого вы собираетесь нажраться.

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