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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2004-12-08 22:18:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Ahora Mazda - AHORA MAZDA

"Gay Bikers Motorcycle club"
А вот не все наверное знают, что движение
байкеров было основано гомосеками, и одеваются
они таким образом именно поэтому. Про это
есть фильм Кеннета Энджера, если кто смотрел.

Вот хороший линк-лист
на сайте "Gay Bikers Motorcycle club".
Подобных клубов по всему миру сотни.

Еще интересное - исторический
очерк про гомосеков и кожаную одежду

In any case, starting in 1954, there were
specifically gay motorcycle clubs, appearing first
in Southern California. In that year the first gay
motorcycle club, called the Satyrs, was founded.
There are a number of interesting points about
that club. First of all, the name clearly makes an
association with the Ancient Greek Satyrs who
were woodland gods with great sexual prowess,
as well as with the more modern meaning of a
kind of male nymphomaniac. In addition, there
was a close association between the Satyrs and
the Mattachine Society, which was set up in Los
Angeles around the same time and which was the
first gay political organisation in the USA. So it
would seem that leathermen have played a role in
the modern gay rights movement from the very
beginning. Other early gay biker clubs included
the Warlocks and California Motorcycle Club in
San Francisco and others elsewhere in the States
with names like the Vanguards, the Centurians,
the Thunderbolts, the Pocono Warriors, the
Rocky Mountaineers and other titles that resonate
with what can only be termed an intense

Исторически, кожаные штаны были атрибутом
гомосексуальной субкультуры. Впоследствии
это, конечно, распространилось и на остальную
публику, не подозревавшую об истинном
значении штанов.

С модой всегда так случается, между прочим.
