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Пишет imp_1393 ([info]emdrone@lj)
Really? - or rather, you are dealing in lies and evasions at the same time trying to label the opponent with a smear.
Open admission that invasion of Iraq served interests of Israel security (that's where "WMD" fears start to become at least understandable if still not realistic); names of Feith, Perle and Rich as designers of Israeli likudnik geopolitical documents - and the same circle of people creating PNAC, which has been carried out by the neocon-dominated extremist bushevik administration to the letter since its publication; Jewish newspaper articles on rabbis praying for the murder of Amman on the day of invasion, openly stating to their congregations the link between this war and the Purim celebration on the day when it broke, AIPAC spy scandal - and retaliatory purges in the CIA right after Bush reelection, open statement by a congressman that the war wouldn't have happened if Jewish lobby had not pressed for it so very strongly; existence of a specially created neocon office in Pentagon for the creation of false "intelligence", i.e. lies to lead the country into the war (Feith here, same names, same names); complete and utter support of the action by virtually all Jewish media owners (even those who believed that tactically neocons are in the wrong and a better way would be to tread a bit lighter), complete censorship of anti-war views in this media, which in reality were and remain huge...

Rumours my ass, you dishonest prick, who defends this crusade to conquer the world (starting, naturally, from the worst ethnic enemy of the warmongers, who, tapping on decades of their own experience of ethnic cleansing besmirch the people they invade and kill as "terrorists").

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