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Пишет D. Kaledin ([info]kaledin)
Nu da -- potomu chto na samom dele imelos' v vidu ehto, otsyuda. Vot kak ono vyglyadit:

Their homeworld Issorile is described as a "fog-bound moon-planet", similar to a larger version of Saturn's moon Titan. Affronters require a high pressure, low temperature environment, and breathe an atmosphere composed mostly of nitrogen and methane, plus other trace hydrocarbons.

An average adult Affronter's body consists of a central mass about two metres in diameter, which hangs from a frilled gas sac one to five metres in diameter depending on their desired buoyancy and can be deflated and covered by protective plates. Six to eleven tentacles of varying length and thickness grow from the central mass, of which at least four end in leaf shaped paddles. Beaks on the front and rear of the central mass cover the creature's mouth and genitals, respectively. The eyes and ears are held on stalks above the fore beak, and an anus/gas vent is located in the bottom centre of the main body.

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