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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-07-21 13:36:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:judeo-christianity, politics

женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор
Чудесная статья про историю борьбы с онанизмом.

The masturbation taboo and the rise of routine male circumcision
Robert Darby

Научно доказывают, что обрезание мальчикам
в Америке делают для предотвращения онанизма;
также рассказывают, что для борьбы с онанизмом
женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор.


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2007-07-21 13:29 (ссылка)
H. Tristram Engelhardt further developed Spitz's and MacDonald's (20) point that masturbation was originally sin rather than sickness by exploring the process by which a religious transgression was transformed into a medical disease without losing any of its immoral connotations, and drawing attention to the punitive character of the therapies evolved. He applied the ironic term "heroic methods" to cover such treatments as infibulation of the foreskin, vasectomy, cauterisation of the urethra, insertion of electrodes into the bladder and rectum, puncturing the prostate with needles, castration and circumcision. (21) Engelhardt does not go into as much detail on the last of these as his sources warrant, and tends to leave the impression that it was a rare intervention instead of the routine procedure it soon became, but at least he identified it as a mainstream response to the problem. Arthur Gilbert provided further evidence on such remedies and also the nature of the diseases that masturbation was supposed to provoke. He suggested that the centrality of masturbation in accounts of organic disease was related to doctors' rising prestige and their tendency to take over the role of the priest; the cycle of sin, confession, penance and redemption was transferred from confessional to consulting room. At the same time, there was very little that physicians could actually do about most diseases, and blaming them on masturbation was often found more satisfactory than admitting their own impotence. (22) Despite this, the authority of the medical profession increased steadily during the nineteenth century, and in 1889 an article in the Lancer compared them to "the old type of priests who combined moral and medical functions." (23)


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