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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-07-21 13:36:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:judeo-christianity, politics

женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор
Чудесная статья про историю борьбы с онанизмом.

The masturbation taboo and the rise of routine male circumcision
Robert Darby

Научно доказывают, что обрезание мальчикам
в Америке делают для предотвращения онанизма;
также рассказывают, что для борьбы с онанизмом
женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор.


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2007-07-21 14:17 (ссылка)
During the 1970s several historians of childhood and the family realised that modernisation of attitudes to children was an uneven process: they might have been freed from their swaddling cloths in the eighteenth century, but other constraints were soon imposed. Lloyd De Mause, who was unusual in recognising that circumcision of boys as carried out by "Jews, Egyptians, Arabs and others" was a "mutilation of children by adults," noted that parents began punishing their children for masturbation in the late eighteenth century and that "doctors began to spread the myth that it would cause insanity, epilepsy, blindness and death," a campaign which reached a climax in the late nineteenth century. In response circumcision, clitoridectomy and infibularion were sometimes used as punishment; and all sorts of restraint devices ... were prescribed. Circumcision became especially widespread; as one American child psychologist our it, when a child of two rubs his nose and can't sit still for a moment, only circumcision works. Another doctor, whose book was the bible of many an American nineteenth century home, recommended that little boys be closely watched for signs of masturbation, and brought in to him for circumcision.



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