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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-07-29 17:27:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Dr Bajan - Fantasmagoria
Entry tags:judeo-christianity, putin

народ через суд решает
Иерей Даниил Сысоев - воистину кладезь мудрости

Заметьте, что начиная с 1960 годов, когда теизм был

изгнан из университетов свободного мира наука не сделала
ни одного значащего открытия.

Теперь что касается отношения материализма и обычного
человека. Я полностью согласен с утверждением
Фейенрабента, что найчные теории должны разбираться судом
присяжных. У нас демократия, и народ через суд решает за
что платить, а за что нет. Вот например, Дарвиновский
музей - какие площади, и если их отдать под офисы -
сколько денег заработало бы государство? А если еще сдать
Институт эволюции. А еще сколько денег бросают на их

* * *

Научные истины надо определять в суде, голосованием.
А дарвиновский музей и прочие музеи - закрыть, раз
они не нравятся Путину и его пристяжным попам.

Отдельно отмечу правописание слова "Фейенрабент"
Подозреваю, что все сведения о науке отец Сысоев
черпает из телевизионных лекций Александра
Гельевича Дугина.

Вот его биография

Чрезвычайно поучительное.


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2007-07-30 16:28 (ссылка)
Гражданин ныне святой, хули ж. Антикоммунистическая пропаганда.
Реально - грязнее только Гитлер, и то не во всем.

>Он, как и многие хорваты, видел в усташах в первую очередь
>силу, способную воссоздать независимую Хорватию

Туджман (первый хорватский президент) был при коммунистах
генерал, доктор истории, и написал несколько книг, дескать
геноцид необходим для национального строительства, но
усташи убили тысяч 20-30 (официальная тогда версия -
около миллиона).

>про снесенный музей не нашел ссылок, будет интересно, если что


It now appears that a vast international conspiracy involving
Marshal Josip Broz Tito, founder of modern Yugoslavia, his ruling
Yugoslav league of communists, the United Nations, some Vatican
officials, and even Jewish organizations strove to keep the Jasenovac
story buried forever. According to Yugoslav historians, Tito's
reasoning was simple: perpetrating the memory of crimes committed by
pro-Nazi Croats would undermine Yugoslavia as a viable ethnic mosaic,
so the truth had to be suppressed. Tito's watchwords were
"Brotherhood and Unity", and to pursue these high goals he tried to
erase the chapter of Jasenovac.

The West generally went along, particularly after Tito broke
with Stalin in 1948. The Vatican wanted to protect Roman Catholic
Croats, who had been willing Nazi proxies in the Balkans.

The silence of Jewish organizations is less easily explained,
particularly since Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal was aware of the
slaughter. Now, with Serbs widely accused of "genocide" against
Bosnia's Muslims, Serbia is reviving its quest for the truth in what
Croatia's president Franjo Tudjman calls "The Myth Of Jasenovac".

"There was no myth", insists Milan Bulajic, a former diplomat
and legal adviser to the Yugoslav government who heads the Genocide
Museum in Belgrade. "There was outright slaughter of between 600,000
and 700,000 people, with cruelty and bestiality unprecedented in

On March 16, 1944, Nazi SS Maj. Gen. Ernest Fik reported to
Berlin that the Ustasha had killed between 600,000 and 700,000
concentration camp inmates "the Balkan way", implying extreme

According to a statement of Gabriel Vintner, one of the few
survivors, "they kill and torture in every way imaginable. Not only
with a gun and a knife, or hot iron or by starving them out. There
were cases when they (Ustasha) would dig a pit, drive men, women and
children into it and blow it up with bombs".

Mr. Tudjman, whose presence at the inauguration of the Holocaust
Museum in Washington last year caused some dismay, has made a number
of statements about Jews and the Holocaust. In his work "Wastelands
Of Historical Reality", he said that the figure of 6 million Jews
killed by the Nazis "is founded too much on emotional and biased
testimonies and exaggerated data". Later, he wrote: "The Jewish
people became so brutal and conducted a genocidal policy toward the
Palestinians that they can rightly be defined as Judeo-Nazi." Even
before, regarding Jasenovac, Mr. Tudjman wrote, "Jews had a monopoly
of the supreme administration of the camp" and conducted "massive
slaughter of non-Jews."

Six months after the liberation of Belgrade, Yugoslavia's
capital, by Soviet troops in September 1944, Jasenovac continued to
function as a death camp. On April 22, 1945, withdrawing Ustasha
troops blew up the barracks, torture chambers and other remnants of
their monstrous death factory and killed the remaining 1,100 inmates,
throwing their corpses into the Sava.

After the war, tito allowed the creation of the Jasenovac
memorial grounds but never went there himself. When Yugoslavia fell
apart in 1991, 11 years after Tito's death, troops of newly
independent Croatia briefly captured the site and, according to
Serbian sources, blew up whatever was left of the camp and destroyed
all remaining records. Thus "The Myth" continues amid conflicting

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