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Пишет tristes_tigres ([info]tristes_tigres)
@ 2014-02-20 21:27:00

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Украина не Россия
Lastly - this paradox: the West is throwing huge efforts to try to "punish" Putin by throwing the Ukraine into a bloody chaos. And yet, paradoxically, Putin's popularity is soaring to new heights because the Russian people can compare how a strong and determined head of state like Putin dealt with the color-coded revolution in Moscow with the never ending disaster of a weak and indecisive President like Yanukovich. With every day of chaos, bloody mayhem and rioting passing more and more Russians think "this could have been us". This is ironical, but true: the West's arrogant intervention in the Ukraine is actually further strengthening Putin. As for the previously loud-mouthed Russian liberals - they are hiding somewhere, not seen not heard. Finally!

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2014-02-21 02:25 (ссылка)
Не вижу противоречия. Часы Патек Филипп Путину тоже не нужны, например.

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