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Пишет tristes_tigres ([info]tristes_tigres)
@ 2014-02-22 23:51:00

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The cheek
По сети гуляет текст какого-то "будучи россиянином и уроженцем Москвы я уже живу в Украине уже семь лет".

" За день до подписания соглашений он сказал, что передумал их подписывать, даже не приведя причин. "

Ай-яй-яй, ну как же так можно. Неужели автор думает, что все забыли события двухмесячной давности?

(RFERL)Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said financial terms offered by the European Union to convince him to close a key political and trade deal with the bloc had been humiliating and that he would wait for improved conditions before agreeing on anything.

(Statement by IMF Mission to Ukraine)
“The mission and the authorities consider that a set of comprehensive and credible reforms is needed to address vulnerabilities and revive growth. The mission recommends that the reform agenda include: (i) increased exchange rate flexibility combined with policies to strengthen the financial sector; (ii) ambitious fiscal consolidation; (iii) increases in domestic energy tariffs, and (iv) comprehensive structural reforms to improve the business climate and support growth.

Простыми словами, IMF потребовал от Украины провести шоковую терапию - повысить цены на газ для населения, девальвировать гривну, урезать зарплаты бюджетникам. Теперь, когда злочинна влада свергнута, украинцы смогут сполна насладиться этими достижениями западной экономической науки.

UPD: пользователь [info]freir, спасибо ему, напомнил ещё одну полезную цитату:
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov of Ukraine told enraged opposition lawmakers on Friday that his government’s decision to walk away from far-reaching political and trade agreements with the European Union was based on fiscal imperatives, and ultimately prompted by the International Monetary Fund’s overly harsh terms for an aid package.

Tt is not clear exactly how much money Ukraine would need, but bankers and asset managers familiar with the distressed financial situation of the nation of 45 million suggest a standby facility between $10 and $15 billion may be necessary.

That would come with strict conditions which have already proved a stumbling block in a series of loan arrangements between the Fund and Ukraine. The last, $15-billion (9.3 billion pounds), agreement was suspended in early 2011 because Ukraine refused to remove subsidies on household gas supplies.
The IMF mission in Ukraine on Thursday again called on the government to raise natural gas prices for domestic consumers and introduce a flexible exchange rate for the national currency - two long-standing demands it has made in continuing negotiations on an assistance package.

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2014-02-23 00:21 (ссылка)
Это п-ц какой-то, честно говоря. Эпидемия функциональной неграмотности. Какая часть предложения "Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said financial terms offered by the European Union to convince him to close a key political and trade deal with the bloc had been humiliating" не понятна?

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