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Пишет tuat93 ([info]tuat93)
@ 2008-06-26 22:59:00

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У кого-то странное чувство юмора, но я оценил :) Кто-то этим заспамил секту Бриза. :D
Somebody has a weird sense of humor, but I appreciate it. This message was spammed by someone from Russian (C)OTO mail. :D

Summer Solstice Notification
"O.T.O. Russia"

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

To all whom it may concern:

Carae Fratres et Sorores!

Let it be known to all of you that O.T.O. in Russia in a day of June 21, 2008 era vulgaris is leaving the jurisdiction of International Ordo Templi Orientis(Caliphate O.T.O.) and henceforth will work as an independent thelemic body!

The Lodge "Pan's Asylum" O.T.O. is closed and from now on it will operate in Russia and worldwide as The Russian Grand Lodge O.T.O.

All bodies of O.T.O. in CIS are no more consider belonging to Caliphate O.T.O. and officially become bodies under The Russian Grand Lodge O.T.O. legitimacy and jurisdiction with all their properties, members, financial obligations, etc.

As it is well-known to all of us, Caliphate O.T.O. hasn't real magical succession from Crowley; therefore, to believe in such succession means to mislead ourselves.

The Law is for all! We, thelemites in Russia and regions, strongly believe that O.T.O. initiation system and the works of Aliester Crowley must be free as a common heritage, without dues and fees to the international structures, copyrights, without "special invitations" for initiations in Second and First Triads, etc.!

Aliester Crowley wrote in his letter to Karl Germer:
"Now, with regard to your own successor. "My sword to him that can get it" is the rule. I do not foresee great difficulty her for you. Character, achievement, power of original thought, courage to progress, to bring the Order up to date or a bit ahead of it, insight and understanding as to the Book of the Law, the quality of leadership: these will not fail to guide you right"( Crowley to Germer, March 14'1942).

Now we lift this Sword and declare O.T.O. in Russia as the True O.T.O. Body, not an elite group of people, but the Equal among Equals! We are ready to recognize all honest organizations of people that freely follow the Law of Thelema and correctly practice O.T.O. initiations, as our true brothers and sisters, and call those who have guts to lift this Sword with us - do it!

Walk forth with us in Light, Life, Love and Liberty!

Love is the law, love under will.

In the Bonds of the Order,
Soror I.C., Secretary General
Ordo Templi Orientis

In the Bonds of the Order,
Frater Aton, Treasurer General
Ordo Templi Orientis

In the Bonds of the Order,
Marsyas, Frater Superior
Ordo Templi Orientis