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Пишет vadim_i_z ([info]vadim_i_z)
@ 2007-12-11 15:35:00

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Бернард Шоу о текущем моменте
К сожалению, я не нашел в Сети перевод "Тележки с яблоками", а набирать вручную сейчас некогда. Ладно, нынче все образованные, читайте оригинал :-)

Пьеса написана в 1925 году. Король Магнус говорит о своем возможном отречении от престола и последующих событиях в стране:

MAGNUS. My last act of royal authority will be to divest myself of all titles and dignities; so that I may step down at once into the position of a commoner.
BOANERGES. Step up, you mean. The common man is the superior, not the inferior, of the titled man.
MAGNUS. That is why I am going to make myself a common man, Mr Boanerges.
PLINY. Well, it does you honor.
CRASSUS. Not all of us would be capable of a sacrifice like that.
BOANERGES. A fine gesture, sir. A fine gesture. I admit it.
PROTEUS [suspicious] And since when, pray, has your Majesty taken to making gestures? Whats the game this time?
PROTEUS. Shut up, you gaby. [To the King] I say, whats the game?
MAGNUS. There is no imposing on you, Prime Minister. The game is, of course, that when I come back into politics I shall be in a better position as a commoner than as a peer. I shall seek a parliamentary seat.
PROTEUS. You in the House of Commons!
MAGNUS [blandly] It is my intention to offer myself to the Royal Borough of Windsor as a candidate at the forthcoming General Election.
All the rest except Boanerges and the ladies rise in consternation.
PROTEUS. This is treachery.
BALBUS. A dirty trick.
NICOBAR. The meanest on record.
PLINY. He'll be at the top of the poll.
CRASSUS. There wont be any poll: it will be a walkover.
BALBUS. This shews what all your fine manners and friendly ways are worth.
NICOBAR. Hypocrite!
CRASSUS. Humbug!
LYSISTRATA. I wish your Majesty every success.
AMANDA. Hear hear! Fair play, boys. Why shouldnt he go into parliament with us?
BOANERGES. Well said! well said! Why not?
THE OTHER MALE MINISTERS. Ya-a-a-ah! [They sit down in utter disgust].
PROTEUS [very sullen] And when you are in Parliament, what then?
MAGNUS. There are several possibilities. I shall naturally endeavor to form a party. My son King Robert will have to call on some Party leader who can depend on the support of the House of Commons to form a Government. He may call on you. He may even call on me.
AMANDA [breaks the glum silence by whistling a bar or two of the National Anthem]!!
MAGNUS. Whatever happens, it will be a great relief to us to be able to speak out quite frankly about oneanother in public. You have never been able to tell the British people what you really think of me: no real criticism of the King is possible. I have never been able to speak my mind as to your various capacities and characters. All that reserve, that tedious affectation, that unwholesome concealment will end. I hope you look forward to our new footing as pleasurably as I do.