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Пишет Андрей Янпольский ([info]yanis)
@ 2009-03-30 13:17:00

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the markets
Describes whats allegedly went on with the AIG deals unwinding and how most of the rescue package money for AIG went to create an illusion of profits for a few banking institutions.
It feels that unless the "Financial Industry" is purified by fire the shit will never end. The system seems to be designed to always act against the public interest in the long run and lately, because of the "increased liquidity" in a much shorter run as well.
Let thes4e fucking companies fail, go bankrupt, go out of business - it doesn't really matter. The banks should be in banking business as in lending money, the insurance companies should insure hard assets only, the investment banks should raise capital for actual industrial enterprises, the asset management companies should - who know what they should do - probably die, the car manufacturers should manufacture cars (not lend money like GMAC and Ford) and so forth.

Squash this slimy thing before it's too late.

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2009-03-31 00:48 (ссылка)
> The system seems to be designed to always act against the public interest
Yes, it is


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