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Пишет Андрей Янпольский ([info]yanis)
@ 2009-04-01 11:46:00

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messianic? apocalyptic? bullshit

“You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs,” Netanyahu said of Iran’s leadership, according to an excerpt posted on The Atlantic’s Web site.

What proof does anyone have that Iranian government is indeed a messianic apocalyptic cult? I mean, to the extent that it's an islamic society and as such it believes in a messianic apocalyptic cult (Islam), but so do the christians and the jews (and probably every other religion with a well defined eschatology).
From everything else they publish on Iran as well as first hand accounts of people who visited it - it's a regular early postindustrial society not unlike the USSR right before collapse. They invest in public services, science, education and medicine. This is coupled with persian nationalism and some sort of a sense of world mission (again, not unlike the late USSR).
People, who invest in medicine and science are not an apocalyptic cult, really. I wouldn't like them to have the nukes, but I don't understand how them having nukes is any more dangerous than Pakistan or Russia for that matter.

Any conventional preemptive strike by Israel will be absolutely militarily disastrous and a non-conventional one - politically, morally and economically catastrophic, so I hope it doesn't happen.