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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-09-03 11:10:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:原始神母 (Genshi Shinbo) 2016 Atom Heart Mother
Entry tags:music, prog, youtube

原始神母 (Genshi Shinbo) 2016 Atom Heart Mother
Упоительная концертная
кавер-версия Atom Heart Mother
原始神母 (Genshi Shinbo) 2016 Atom Heart Mother
(pinkfloyd tribute)@161027Chicken George
излишне мелодраматично, особенно когда поют

GENSHI SHINBO was formed by guitarist/composer "Shake"

Kogure (RED WARRIORS) in 2012 with the goal of having some
serious fun. His goal was to create a tribute unlike any
other, with emphasis on the earlier, lesser known works of
Pink Floyd. Kogure, long known in the Japanese rock world
for his unflinching and uncompromising pursuit of
creativity, first created a one-off supergroup tour with
members from the progressive rock group "Yonin Bayashi"
featuring Daiji Okai (drums, various instruments) and
Katsutoshi Morizono (guitars, vocals) This he did while
also reaching out to former " Casino Drive" bandmates Rei
Atsumi (VOW WOW) (keys), and Kenneth Andrew (CASINO DRIVE)
(vocals), with Yoshitaka Mikuni (keys), and Tetsu
Mukaiyama (drums ). Multi instrumentalist/vocalist Yutaro
Ogita was chosen to complete the line up. The large group
toured Japan in 2012 to the delight of many Pink Floyd

In 2013, based on the success the previous tour, PFT went
on the road again with the core musicians in a tighter,
more compact lineup with Katsumi Kashiwabara (drums ) and
Miori Naritomi (chorus). As more Floyd fans discovered the
group, audiences grew and a 2014 tour was booked with the
addition of "Lovely" Reina (chorus). The 2014 lineup was
again widely appreciated and the band continues to expand
it's horizons into 2015.


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2018-09-04 07:08 (ссылка)
Да всем похуй, лол)))


2018-09-18 21:31 (ссылка)
i also am quite taken by this group. while true to the spirit of floyd, they put a personal stamp with every performance. i detect a bluesy touch that isn't found on most of floyd.
