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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth) в [info]ljr_news
@ 2006-02-21 01:06:00

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Импорт дневников из livejournal.com,

разработанный неоценимым [info]nit два месяца тому назад,
не работал последнее время по причине поломок
livejournal.com (при переделывании кода, потребном
для придания новых доменных имен всем пользователям,
у них сломался экспорт записей).

Так вот, сейчас импорт работает снова!

Вот FAQ по поводу импорта:



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2006-02-27 20:03 (ссылка)
А что не работает? У меня
все показывает.

Такие дела

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2006-02-27 20:17 (ссылка)
POkazyvaet sledujuwee:

There are a few reasons why you might not see posts on this friends page:

zimopisec might have no friends defined. If you are zimopisec, you can edit your LiveJournal friends so they show up here.
zimopisec might have friends defined, but all of their friend's posts might be over two weeks old (according to the times on our servers), and thus wouldn't be displayed here.
zimopisec might have friends defined that post only protected entries that you can't view, because they haven't defined you as a friend in return.

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2006-02-28 01:01 (ссылка)

Default View
If you make a friend group called "Default View", only the people in it will show up on your friends list by default.

A few part of the site know about this ... if you add a new friend with the web interface, the "Default View" group will already be checked, since it's assumed you'll always want to read that person.

This is a cool way to list somebody as a friend but not actually read them. :-)

Note that your default view is only visible to you, not other people. Other people looking at your friends page will see everybody.

* * *

Надо стереть группу Default View, и все заработает.

Такие дела

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