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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth) в [info]ljr_popechiteli
@ 2017-07-26 12:55:00

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illegal and harmful content concerning the protection of minors
Сервак закрыли по требованию немецких педоборцев.
Это уже не первый раз, про прошлый см. тут

Вот переписка с Linode, которые предоставляют нам

2 hours ago

We have received a report of illicit content involving underage minors being hosted on your Linode. As such, a network filter has been placed on your Linode to prevent access to the material. We take issues regarding such content very seriously, and will require a response to this ticket to prevent service disruption.

Please update this ticket within the next 7 days providing us with information as to how this content came to exist on your Linode as well as the measures you plan to put in place to prevent this from occurring again. If we do not receive a response to this ticket within 7 days, your entire account will be suspended, and eventually cancelled, resulting in all of your data being deleted irreversibly from our systems.

Please note that we require a valid explanation for this material being on your Linode, and if this issue re-occurs, we reserve the right to terminate your Linode account.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


2 hours ago Dear Sir or Madam,
jugendschutz.net is appointed by the German Federal States to deal with
illegal and harmful content concerning the protection of minors on the
internet. In the course of our cooperation with the German Federal Criminal
Police Office (BKA) concerning child sexual abuse, we received a report on
the following URL

-URL https://lj.rossia.org/users/luchik_sveta/

The website contains child abuse material prohibited by law.

The website is hosted by your company (Host-Provider) or the IP/address is
related to your company (IP-Provider/Registrar). We therefore ask you to
have the content deleted or blocked and to store all traffic data, location
data and related data, necessary to identify relevant individuals, for the
law enforcement agency.

We appreciate your response and will follow up the case. Please do not
hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Legal notice
The transmission of this URL is exclusively for the purpose of having the
content deleted or blocked. A use for other purposes is specifically
prohibited and may be subject to criminal proceedings.

2 hours ago Hello,

Reviewing your account history shows that this is a recurrence of an earlier issue. As part of the resolution of this we will require that user and their page to be removed from your service.


15 minutes ago Again! Sorry. Will be done.
All the best

11 minutes ago The user was suspended.
All the best

8 minutes ago Hello,

Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. I would just like to clarify here that we will not allow this page on our platform. We are requiring a permanent removal here, not just a suspension.


9 seconds ago Dear Jordan, none of his content is hosted with our server,
there are only links, and they were removed with suspension.

Suspension, for
the Livejournal code, is essentially the same
as "deletion". "Deleted" users are those who
delete themselves, "suspended" are those who
are deleted by admins, from the code point of view,
this is the only difference between "deleted"
and "suspended". Since I have no right to log in
as the user, I cannot "delete" him/her, but the
content is gone.

All the best

Последний раз, когда я переписывался с [info]luchik_sveta,
я говорил ему, чтобы он все картинки совал под замок или хотя
бы под кат, потому что эти стукачи не остановятся, и вот опять.
Я его засуспендил (см. переписку) хостера это не вполне
устраивает, но наверное устроит.

У нас есть выбор: закрыть сервак
(отправиться куда-то еще в поисках удобного прокси,
но такого сейчас нет, потому что полицейские
жалобы на постинги [info]luchik_sveta, при
всей невинности этих постингов, вызовут аналогичную реакцию у
любого провайдера), либо засуспендить юзера. Я временно
закрыл [info]luchik_sveta, но надо либо переезжать,
либо держать его закрытым. Переезжать более-менее некуда.

Я последую указаниям Попечительского Совета:
можно подогнать посты [info]luchik_sveta под "нарушение
местного законодательства", но по факту тут имеет
место чистый произвол, форс-мажор и выкручивание рук
(и мне, и ему, и всей почтенной публике).

Такие дела

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2017-07-26 20:34 (ссылка)
Таков любой член Попечительского Совета.


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