Сообщество, посвящённое ра - Mortoniceras
February 27th, 2013
07:21 pm


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 Mortoniceras is an ammonoid genus belonging to the superfamily Acanthocerataceae, named by Meek in 1876, based on Ammonites vespertinu, named by Morton in 1834.

 Mortoniceras is the type genus of the Mortoniceratinae, one of 4 subfamilies in the Brancoceratidae which is part of the Acanthocerataceae (renamed Acanthoceratoidea to conform with the ICZN ruling on superfamily endings)

 Mortoniceras is found in middle and upper Albian sediments, at the end of the Lower Cretaceous in Africa, Europe, North America, and South America.


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