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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-22 09:41:00

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Настроение: accomplished
Entry tags:gamedev, transitioning

Spell of Mastery Progress
I have resumed the work on my game, after finishing a major Symta syntax redesign, which in effect required updating a large part of the game's code, which thankfully I was able to accomplish automatically with the help of compiler.

Current goal is making the game completable from start to finish.
After that I will be doing polishing, like adding proper intro movie instead of text and storyboard.

I had a lot of assets done since the beginning, but it was hard to communicate with artists, since these were one time freelancers, and the engine prototype had no hard art assets guidelines at the time. So I have to import these assets now, while somewhat editing them myself. I.e. that tower is an important game object, depicted on the title screen, and it just needs to be in game.

As I said, HRT have only improved my programming skills and concentration.
Unfortunately it is still a bit hard to get into that concentrated state from the lazy procrastination state. Guess I need some daddy boss to force me working hard ^_^

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2022-02-22 07:47 (ссылка)
>game _comparable_ from start to finish.

What does it mean?

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2022-02-22 07:51 (ссылка)

auto-correction, because dictionary thinks "completable" is not an english word

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2022-02-22 09:53 (ссылка)
enjoying your GNU image manipulation editing experience. I see.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2022-02-22 13:03 (ссылка)
Photoshop is a bit too expensive for refugees.

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2022-02-23 11:45 (ссылка)
I'm doing a small program in CL for my use (or maybe the others'). I've reimplemented some functions twice in a different way (basically, running unzip when it is available is faster than going with cl-zip). I thought that having an alist of '((priority-number . function)) is the way to go. Is this an adequate way or should I hook up the *features* to resolve all of that in an easier way (this way i won't have to clean up the alist on code reload, yet I'll have to resolve it at runtime and I won't be able to hotswap alternate implementations in the REPL)?
