nancygold's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nancygold's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, January 12th, 2025
    4:38 pm
    Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
    12:51 am

    В плену апатии надежд и бреда
    Мое начало было мне концом,
    Узрела я свое бессмысленное кредо:
    Родилась на могиле той цветком.

    Пусть лепестков сознания страницы
    Сожжет без сожалений истина немая,
    А черный пепел ляжет на ресницы,
    Беззвучно в темноте блистая.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - Suffer no Light
    Monday, January 6th, 2025
    7:59 pm
    Time to Repeat My Views on Transitioning
    * I transition because I despise masculinity, and first of all in myself. That includes the male body parts. My hatred of manliness automatically led to me failing the male role before transitioning. Yet I enjoy most of the stuff coming with female role, including the lowered general responsibility and expectations. Call that auto-gynophilia, or transmaxxing.
    * I don't believe in social transitioning without medical one. You either start medical, or you are a disgusting transvestite, doing that as a gay man to attract heterosexual males to your filthy AIDS ridden ass, or some attention seeking political activist, looking for cheap PR, or a nasty pervert masturbating in woman underwear and latex.
    * I don't believe in the woke EnBy propaganda. The whole idea of non-binary/gender-fluidity is employed as conversion therapy to force transsexuals into accepting their male body and generally be more bodypositive, insisting it is okay to be a bearded bald creep in female clothes. The reason people transitioning is because they want to be women, and there is no transitioning in remaining an ugly freak.
    * I don't believe that transitioning is a good option for the previously homosexual males, who have autoandrophilia and consider transitioning to attract heterosexual males. These males usually look like tomboy girls, and after transitioning always cry "I was such a cute boy", which frequently leads to their de-transitioning or suicide.
    * I dont believe in forcing people to "use the correct pronouns", but I do believe in behaving in such an appalling way, that these same people will themselves get reserved in using the terms "male" or "man" in regards of me. That includes making mess at male toilets and provoking these people tarnishing the family and country honor, and sabotaging the male role in the ways leading to catastrophic consequence, such as failing the military duties or the expectations.The society should be convinced to come up with terms like "Nancy boy" and ban us from the male spaces

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Sunday, January 5th, 2025
    6:38 pm
    How Come Harry Potter is the most Girly Movie?
    Like it is about a boy, not a girl!

    And the Rowling's own transphobia stems from her latent desire to be a boy.

    So if you enjoy Harry Potter you're a trans man or tomboy in denial.

    Then it is totally okay for a with daddy issues girl to watch Das Boot and be horrified at idiots trapped under the sea being mistreated by their beloved hitler.

    And the Das Boot movie is super gay, where people are forced into homosexuality by the water pressure.

    Like you want to betray your country and run away, but you're on a fuckin submarine!!!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    10:35 am
    Gay with Latex Fetish Murders A Grindr Escort Crossdresser

    Always said these bdsm faggots are the embodiment of evil.
    Going to a client feels like a suicide every fuckin time.

    Current Mood: amused
    12:26 am
    The Substance
    Nobody wants to get old, but Demi Moore is in her 60ies and played 50yo woman.

    Then again, reversing aging will happen sooner than a brain transplant or brain scan.

    Good thing the advances in AI are accelerating the advances in medicine.

    But we are unlikely to see the fruits during our lives.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Friday, January 3rd, 2025
    11:24 am
    Zoophiles as a scarecrow for subhumans
    A zoophile conspiracy theory can distract christcucks from harassing trans girls.
    There is a huge potential in this moral panic exploding better than hatred towards Mexicans:

    Ideally all pet owners should be seen as molesters.

    Today they molest a dog, tomorrow - a child.
    >As a member of the OZH, and a strong Anti-Zeta, I don't wish harm upon anyone, or any animals. I know that there have been a lot of people groomed or hurt by Sappho, the ZNA, or it's members. And I'm here to help you if you have. Nobody should have to go through something like this, and I offer my support to those that have gone through being groomed, or hurt by the ZNA. I'm here to help you, and to lead you away from such a community. Nobody should be taught that beastiality and Zoophilia is ok, and Minors especially should not be taught that animals can give consent, just through body language.

    Current Mood: amused
    Sunday, December 29th, 2024
    5:18 pm

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, December 24th, 2024
    5:23 pm
    A way to protest the medical gatekeeping and the overpriced healthcare!
    Also funny news:

    Current Mood: impressed
    Monday, December 23rd, 2024
    3:01 pm
    Anons Asked Photos of Me in a Dress...

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Sunday, December 22nd, 2024
    1:43 pm
    As I pointed multiple times, mtDNA is the core of life
    Because it controls the energy supply to the entire organism,
    including the main DNA (which it can activate/deactivate on demand)

    And mtDNA is transferred only through the mother line.
    Therefore only the mother can really have kids of her own.
    Father is always a dumb cuckold.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    9:20 am
    Am I unemployable?
    * Illiteracy in Dutch [CHECK]
    * Mental Health Disorders [CHECK]
    * No Marketable Skills: no university degree [CHECK]
    * Criminal Records: convicted in Netherlands due to protesting discrimination [CHECK]
    * Long-term Unemployment: had no official job for years [CHECK]
    * Discrimination for being transsexual [CHECK]
    * Area with limited job opportunities [CHECK]
    * Poor interpersonal skills [CHECK]
    * Publicly associated with negative online viral incidents [CHECK]

    In other words, how does anyone expect me to positively contribute to the society?
    Saturday, December 21st, 2024
    9:53 am

    I'm now TIRF - Trans Inclusive Radical Feminist

    Saturday, December 14th, 2024
    3:03 pm

    Взвивайся, радужное знамя,
    Всегда зовущее вперёд.
    Под ним идет полмира с нами.
    Настанет день — весь мир пойдёт.

    Thursday, December 5th, 2024
    9:15 pm
    While I'm a lesbian AGP ts, I'm sexually attracted to this guy
    He is so absolutely cute it is not gay to be aroused.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Thursday, November 28th, 2024
    1:57 pm
    Homosexuality is the foundation for the male hierarchy
    Remember kids: girls don't form hierarchies and dislike competition. Only the males enter dick-measuring contests.

    A woman doesn't need to be the very best.
    She just needs to be cute and wholesome.

    Current Mood: amused
    Wednesday, November 27th, 2024
    6:00 pm
    The Main Problem of Humanity

    «Уничтожьте гомосексуалистов — фашизм исчезнет» (c) Максим Горький

    For a long time I was puzzled at the common people opposing me taking hormonal medications and removing my penis. After all transitioning is rather a personal issue. Most of them understand well that I need transitioning to be a contributing member of society, hold proper employment and pay taxes, instead of leeching welfare and selling my ass.

    I do understand the opportunistic psychopathic politicians like Felon Musk and Jewhanna ROFLing, who use transphobia to rally the deranged moral panicking parents, scaring them that their kids become trans, losing fertility, or that trans kids will rape their girls at school bathrooms.

    But why would common folks (not my parents) oppose me personally? I'm no longer eligible for high school and I was never interested in competitive sports. And still these people want to take away my HRT. If they are afraid I will rape their gf or daughter at a female bathroom, they should do the opposite - advocate castrating me, so me raping anyone will be impossible. But they behave completely illogically, instead insisting that my dick should be hard and I should impregnate their GFs and daughters.

    Today I kinda understand what is going in their perverted evil heads. They love dicks. I.e. they all have suppressed homosexual tendencies. They get unwell just thinking about somebody removing a dick. Just like I, a lesbian girl, get disgusted thinking that some FtM woman will get a penis instead of vagina. That because I'm not a homosexual - I dislike penises and the degenerate idea of penetrative animal sex (aka rape).

    With heterosexual females loving dicks is obvious, but what about all the males? Why would the males hate somebody getting castrated? After all, there will be less competition for the heterosexual women. I was absolutely flabbergasted at the realization of so many men being secretly homosexual.

    And at the same time as being shocked by my castration, these men, like all gays, are secretly envious, that I betrayed their gay brotherhood, following my desires, that I'm not interested in the faggy Full Metal Jacked barracks relationships, that I refuse to penetrate. All gays deep inside want to be women to get fucked by real men. So when they see my huge dick, they imagine me bumming them, and when they that I will remove this ugly thing, they feel deep intense hatred, reminiscent to my own hatred towards my male body parts.

    This world is driven by hatred. There is no love. True trans girls, like me, transition out of hatred, not the love for men. Because all the ex-gay trans transition not because they feel female, but because of all the male dicks they will get inside of them. I learned that by being in trans community. Only a few lesbian trans truly want to be female.

    The globalist obsession with penises is the true main problem of humanity, more harmful than the cancer, the global warming or a potential nuclear war. That is why stopping rape, forced or consensual, should be a priority. Until the last man loses the last penis, our civilization wont achieve peace and prosperity, required for further advances.

    As the [info]ololo noted "Большая часть людей бисексуальны. Для успешного встраиванияв иерархии нужна некоторая доля гомосексуальнрсти"

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Monday, November 25th, 2024
    11:10 am
    People accus me of being "Buffalo Bill"
    It is not the fault of Buffalo Bill, they were gatekeeped access to hormonal medications and found it easier to fatten and skin the kidnapped women. It is also not Buffalo Bill's fault, they were envious and wanted to be as beautiful as the women they skin. Jealousy is the engine of progress. Compared to the imageboard incels Buffalo Bill actively worked for their goal to be beautiful and died for their ideals fighting the evil transphobic woman cop, who probably also killed a few black men along her career path.

    TLDR: Buffalo Bill was ultimately a good person, who did something to improve the humanity, starting with themselves.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Sunday, November 17th, 2024
    5:00 pm
    All trans girls on grindr are Russian(Ukraine=Russia lol)
    Local are all disgusting faggots in stockings, married and with kids.

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, November 14th, 2024
    9:40 am
    "Netherlands to implement land border controls from Dec. 9"

    Bitter-sweet feeling. Obviously less chances I will get beaten and bullied on my visits to Amsterdam. Yet after christshits finish with these niggers, they will go after the trans girls, banning HRT completely and surrendering refugees like me to Russia, which is unfortunately still alive. So LGBT kinda needs just enough Muslims so they will do the war of attrition with Christcucks, while we enjoy the show at a gay bar. But yeah, in a perfect world we want all cishets to annihilate each other, so Russians and Ukrainians will fight till the last ugroslav, while Christcucks and Mudslimes will fatally wound each other.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Cyber Caliphate Audio Team - Gegen Kuffar Munafikin
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